Seyyid Nasrallah: Israel incapable of invading Iran, and it knows that Iran is not joking  

The remarks of Seyyid Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, in an interview with Al-Alam TV on Tuesday were so great that those who seek the pure truth about the developments in Lebanon and the region will benefit the most from these remarks.

Faraan: Those who listened to Seyyid Hassan Nasrallah’s interview with Al-Alam Network received answers to their questions. This is because he addressed important issues, including the Zionist regime’s threat against Iran, which he called an exaggerated and absurd threat. He stated that Zionist regime is more incapable of invading Iran, and it knows that Iran is not joking. He said that even the most insane and extremist, the former President of the United States, Trump knows this fact well.

In regards to Israel’s threats to destroy Hezbollah missiles, Seyyid Hassan Nasrallah said that if Israel was able to do so, it would not hesitate to implement them. He said: “When the Zionist regime says that we want to destroy Hezbollah missiles, it needs a full-scale war. How can they destroy Hezbollah’s point-and-shoot missiles?”  Israel will not be able to achieve its goal through the war against Hezbollah. “When Israel says it wants to destroy Hezbollah missiles, does it know how many they are?”

It is noteworthy that by saying that Hezbollah has more than 100,000 fighters and that in the event of an attack on Lebanon, surprises await the Israelis, including the activation of the resistance air defense system to intercept Israeli drones, the Secretary General of Hezbollah in Lebanon doubled the panic in the hearts of the Zionist leaders.

The Secretary General of Hezbollah pointed to the issue of normalization of the UAE and Bahrain with the Zionist regime and its dangers against the axis of resistance: “Countries that have normalized their relations with the [Zionist] regime have benefited the Israeli enemy in terms of media and economy, but they cannot help the regime militarily. “The UAE has bought tens of billions of dollars in weapons since its inception, but in the first direct confrontation with Ansar al-Islam, it cried for help.”

He also called on the UAE to leave Yemen. He advised the UAE: “The solution to this problem is very easy. Get out of the war and do not interfere in it. You aggressed and I retaliated. Stop your aggression and I will also cease my retaliation. What will safeguard the UAE is stopping its aggression in Yemen. The UAE does not need weapons to protect itself. The UAE has purchased tens of billions of dollars in missiles, fighters, weapons and military technology since its inception, until it has become a stockpile. However, this storage warehouse could not protect it. Wasting tens or hundreds of billions of dollars to buy more equipment will not secure the country. Instead, the UAE should learn from its older brother, Saudi Arabia, and its strategic ally, Israel. “Were the weapons able to offer them security?”

Hezbollah’s secretary general went on to call the claim that “Lebanon is under Iranian control” media slogans and propaganda against the resistance, saying: “Today, the US ambassador speaks everywhere in interviews and on television about the Lebanese parliamentary elections, and interferes in Lebanese affairs. The Iranian embassy or any Iranian party does not interfere in the slightest in the affairs of Lebanon and its elections. The US Embassy in Beirut is the CIA headquarters throughout the region, not just in Lebanon. “The US embassy in Beirut has a role to play beyond Lebanon.”

Nasrallah also shunned the issue of Saad al-Hariri’s decision, lamenting the absence of al-Mustaqbal in the elections, saying that the absence of a major current such as al-Mustaqbal would have a major impact on the elections in Lebanon.

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