Syria, Russia and Iran agreed on the activation of S-400

A Hebrew-language media claimed that the Syrian authorities reached an agreement with their Russian and Iranian counterparts on the activation of air defense systems, including the S-300 and S-400 systems.

Faraan: Citing Arab sources, Intel News claimed that a meeting was held in Damascus between Syrian, Russian and Iranian commanders, and in this meeting, the Russians announced their readiness to hand over advanced defense systems to the Syrians.

According to this Hebrew media, the Russians promised that the S300 and S400 defense systems will be provided to the Syrian army. According to Intel News, in this meeting, the Russian generals announced their readiness to provide the Syrians with advanced weapons, including the S300 and S400 defense systems, in order to disrupt Israel’s air attacks on Syria.

This Zionist media wrote that the Russians were criticized by their two allies in the past period for not activating their defense systems against Israel’s attacks (aggressions) on Syria. It should be noted that the Zionist regime’s TV Channel 13 reported on Tuesday, quoting the Minister of War of the Zionist regime, that one of the fighters of the Israeli army (regime) was intercepted by the Russian defense system based in Syria.

This Hebrew-language media reported, quoting Benny Gantz, the Minister of War of the Zionist regime, that the Russian S-300 defense system fired missiles at our fighters in Syria for the first time two months ago. According to Gantz, this incident happened once and the Russian missiles did not damage the Israeli fighter, because the fighters were moving away from the area. Gantz refused to give further explanations regarding this incident and whether other similar reactions have been carried out by the defense systems based in Syria after this incident or not.

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