Taqwa and most Important deed now is to support flood victims: Allama Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore, Jamia Jafaria – Gujranwala)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq, Lahore – Pakistan
Friday Sermon – 26th Aug 2022

Sermon 1: Taqwa and most Important deed now is to support flood victims
I invite you and myself towards Taqwa and emphasize you to live your lives in accordance with Taqwa and establish your lives on the foundations of Taqwa. It is the divine plan for security of human life and it can be spent within Taqwa only. If Taqwa is ignored the way we witness the current generation living such a life without Taqwa. The effects of life without Taqwa are the calamities that human being are suffering due to their own hands. For Allah to protect us from this day where we are besieged made this divine plan. Specifically those whom Allah gave this plan to live a protected life themselves and make arrangements for entire humanity to live a secure life.
The nation of Pakistan where we are living is more grievous than other lands and people living here are suffering more calamities than others. If we specifically see the current period where major part of Pakistan is under floods and complete provinces are under water except for some area’s exclusion. The state in which those areas are under flood need Taqwa the most. There are people sitting on hills, trees, on rooftops, at edges of highways for several days without food. Though they have saved their lives but they have lost all their assets. Those who had temporary homes have lost those as well. A general calamity has come over entire community and in this situation the demand of Taqwa which means to acquire plan for protection of human life is required the most. The way lives are threatened in our country here we need people with Taqwa.
The situation which has occurred is to due rulers, politicians, people, rulers, capitalists who lack Taqwa. A country which is always under flood due to monsoons and this is not the first flood and even before Pakistan was made the floods used to come. On one hand Allah has given fertile land to this country to do agriculture, Allah has given rivers running down from mountains but there is also a law of Allah that these rivers can develop turbulence as well. Those who are looting this country, it was their responsibility to make arrangements to prevent the floods. When floods come ever year then why this situation has occurred today. This is due to the criminals who are governing Pakistan for 75 years who have destroyed this country and not made any arrangement for its protection. The security of the nation is required from various perspectives; one is to protect the nation from pandemics and natural calamities. For none of these we have protection arrangement. When those who are proven by the courts verdicts as criminal and there is a world consensus on their crimes, and Pakistani people see these criminals but also participate with them. All those who have casted votes to these political parties are part of this crime today. Though in the world there is no one doing accountancy of these crimes, but Allah says we will take revenge in this world also after giving respite for some time, but in hereafter as well all will be accounted. We say this is natural calamity but if a calamity is recurring every year then if you do not make arrangement then you are criminal.
In Surah Yusuf, this has been narrated. We have considered beauty of Yusuf in his skin and got the story of Yusuf into lust. The beauty of Yusuf is in the planning of Yusuf. The way Yusuf protected himself from Zulekha he also protected his nation, even though they were not believers but idol worshippers. When the danger of drought came for the nation of Egypt, here a person with Taqwa comes in the field and makes arrangement in advance. To protect the nation from this calamity he made an arrangement. If Yusuf would not have done this planning, then since it was possible to do, and if he would not have done it, then this would be crime. Anyone who would have stopped Yusuf from doing this would also be criminal. He protected his brothers also who came from another town of Canan. When the calamities come, Allah has given intellect to human being so that he can do planning.
The governments are not with Taqwa, but the people are also without Taqwa. When scholars are without Taqwa, then people will also lack Taqwa and when people lack Taqwa then rulers that come would also be without Taqwa and these rulers destroy everything in nation.
Why Taqwa becomes abandoned by general believers. We Pakistani’s claim a lot about Taqwa. We present Taqwa in every place. We sell expensive commodity, we do adulteration, we swear and sell duplicate products, we conceal truth and after all this we show our Taqwa. This is the Taqwa of Banu Umayyah. They were corrupt people but were experts in deceiving people. You can see they took the entire system from Ahlulbayt (a) and companions. They changed the course of history, they did discord in Ummah, distorted religion and destroyed everything in Ummah. The Prophet has indicated about this danger and warned when such people come as rulers tear their bellies. The Banu Umayyah defined Taqwa in a different manner. A Maulana would tell his disciples when you want to use Taqwa for deceiving people then apply the Taqwa of Banu Umayyah. This means you are corrupt but for showing off to people become Muttaqee. We have this in abundance in Pakistan.
The actual Taqwa which Quran has presented is protection from all calamities. To protect your nation, family, generations is Taqwa. If Taqwa would have been there in governance then Baluchistan would not have drowned in floods. Since you have elected criminals you can see the outcome today.
Those believers who desire Taqwa they should give protection to those suffering. Everything in their life has got destroyed. Even if water subsides still their lives are disturbed. In Sindh there are criminals standing on highways to loot aid vehicles. In far off areas there are people waiting for the servants of Allah to reach there for helping them.
There is an important law in Shia Fiqh. The scholars do not present the principles of Fiqh like doctors who will not give general medical guidance for medication but want the patients to always to visit them. The same way Scholars have made monopoly to not show the principles of Fiqh to general public. Since Quran is for everyone and not a single part is exclusive to any category of people. From monotheism to resurrection everything in religion is for everyone. The religion which is for common people has a law and if people know this then they can solve many problems even today.
The terminological name of this Fiqh Principle is “Aham and Muhim”. It means if two things come in the life of man, one is important and a dire need, and there is another work which is also important but not a dire need. Like you are leaving home, you have few options to go for Fateha of someone, go to Friday prayers or go for Majalis. He has to select one on priority, which either wife tells or someone else guides. Some are so confused that they do Istikhara by throwing a toss of Tasbih. Has religion not guided in this situation on what we should do? Has religion left us at the mercy of Tasbih? Is there no criteria set by religion. When certain things which are all beneficial come in front and we have to select one then what we should do. I am giving an example of two things in front and this is a problem for everyone today. Like in this situation of flood we are confused whether we should use Khums, Zakat for this or not? We refer to Mujtahid’s to get verdict. When such situations come all Mujtahid’s have a principle to see what is most important, which has higher purpose, significance for intellect, Allah and religion.
In floods millions are drowned in water and since no electricity or utilities are present there we are not getting coverage from there. But for us living in Lahore and other places secure from floods what is our responsibility? What is religion, intellect, scholars and Mujtahid’s are saying? You can see what is more important here. Allah says in Quran one who has saved one life has saved entire humanity. There are multiple verses which talks about important and most important. If you want to save life or wealth, then you have to save life. If you have to save animal or human, then you have to save human. Our minds are sectarian. We are looking for believers where they are and we pass by others on the way. Humanity is the criteria and even if he is your enemy then you help them as well. At present the demand is to give highest preference to the flood victims.
The scholars have given various examples for this principle. Like you visit mosque to pray and you find the masjid is impure, so here your first duty is to first purify the mosque if time for prayer is left. If you don’t do then your prayers are void. Today we are doing many things like marriages, serving food in functions, gatherings etc., which is prohibited to do in this situation, the scholars have clarified that you cannot do this, first you should reach for their help. They need ration, medicines, food, psychological support. This calamity is for few days. Allah says we keep revolving everything. Today those who are spectators will become victims tomorrow. Even though the Mujtahid’s have given verdicts to use Khums money but this was not required, when Aql is saying that we should give priority to them. No other Mustahab things can be done in this situation. The youths can visit those areas and support them.
One more point is to not help to show off by making selfies. The help is to save life. When there is Aham (most important) present then forsaking this and doing something that is also good work is not permissible. Like someone is dying there and you are reciting Quran. As the Quran says certain reciters of Quran are those whom Quran is cursed. There are some good deed persons on whom these good deeds are cursing that you cannot see what is your duty now.
The rulers of Pakistan are criminals and you cannot expect any goodness from them. It is an examination of those who are suffering and it is also an examination for us where Allah wants to see what we can do. Some are doing but this is very less and this cannot get solved unless entire community comes forward.
We should help these victims to come out of current situation and ensure that help goes to them after the crisis as well so that they get settled again. First fulfill the need for emergency and when flood settles then make arrangements to make homes for them of similar type. Till that time give tents to them. We have tried to help these people but it was very limited like the frog who was blowing off the fire of Ibrahim. At least we don’t get counted in insensitive people. Sindh also has flood but Baluchistan is the most suffering. The turbulent flood has destroyed everything and here there is a need for people with Taqwa to help humanity. Do not be sectarian, but instead visit those places which are in most need. May Allah help these victims and grant the believers of Pakistan to help them.


Sermon 2: Voters/supporters of political parties are all criminals of flood victims
Today the Pakistani lives are in threat and there is a need for the nation who have to make arrangement for their safety. The biggest argument to help these people is because they are human beings. We see in Pakistan and outside Pakistan where even if one animal is under threat people jump to help that animal. There are arrangements made for protection of pet animals. Some believers have dogs at home, some have birds, horses, cows. You make all arrangements to protect them. To serve food to animals is a good deed. Today human life is under threat. There are more than 900 people who have lost their lives in the flood and may Allah forgive them and grant patience to their family. Those who have survived are under bigger calamities then those who died. We are living comfortably and in our presence we can see all this. This is Taqwa which is an examination for victims and for us. The victims have to show perseverance.
There are many who take mis advantage of such situations. The criminals, politicians reach various areas for fund raising. The government should at least give security to the routes where the aid vehicles are going and getting looted. The victims have hopes with Allah and this examination will pass and it is our examination of our senses. Today the public are drowned in water and the democratic rulers are drowned in alcohol and lust. Where are those regional groups, political parties? Some are enjoying the rulership some are grievous about loosing power. The nation is drowned under water and they are organizing protest gatherings with millions spent. These accursed do not cancel their gatherings and the people are also not cursing them. All these party leaders have private helicopters. All these capitalists, politician have helicopters. They come in helicopter to do functions for their power. At lease they give their helicopter to the aid team so that they can make aid reach the people drowned in water. Might be Allah has placed this calamity to shake our senses and see who is coming to your help, whom you have voted. Those who are in power what they have done? I know how senseless is this community. In Sindh there were municipal elections which got cancelled. They were coming to ask for vote. If the elections would not have been cancelled, these people who are drowning would also cast a vote before dying. Are you not developing senses to see what these politicians are doing? During calamities the senses awaken but are these people getting senses that after floods should we again go for voting such rulers? If we do not have this much sense then Allah says you can drown.
The height of lowliness is seen whereby one rowdy ruler who was called from outside with his team and they created havoc in the country, defamed everything. They even insulted the forces and no one questioned them. When they crossed limits and the forces had to rebel and arrest him. When the community is getting drowned in floods, people in Lahore are thinking about this rowdy leader on what is happening with him in prison. Many criminals are in prison and they are dealt in same way. One rowdy gets so much importance? This is the sign of senselessness and this results into divine wrath. The community of Noah got drowned after 900 years they could not develop sense. In this calamity at least develop sense. Those who were not ready to visit the dead bodies of your martyrs. What would have happened if all this would have been left by court, opposition, government and just went after the victims of flood. See how much beastly , cruel they are that they do not have any mercy for the flood victims. In this filth the scholars, muftis are also involved, then Allah will definitely drown. What was the cure for the Noah community other than this. If there was something else Allah would have done it. Something should awaken us?
You can see the calamities. Every day the government is raising taxes, raising prices. The entire country is drowned and there is no electricity and they have increased the tariff. They will drown, die but this senseless community will not awaken.
Come to senses and understand this behavior as to what is happening. My estimation is that around 500 helicopters are present with these thugs. If they give even 100 all victims can be helped. We are forwarding messages of this rowdy. The believers are doing this about him. Then in this situation we can only get wrath. We should disassociate from these criminals. This rowdy cannot postpone one gathering, he is not speaking a single word for flood victims. May Allah protect Pakistan from these calamities and also these corrupt criminals.

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