Taqwa in Economic affairs starts from food: Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 26th July 2024

Sermon 1: Taqwa in Economic affairs starts from food
Sermon 2: Orators selling blood of Hussain’s (a) children can never have sympathy towards children of Palestinians
Everything in this world has a bane or calamity like you can see iron getting rusted and same applies for other things which destroys them. In calamities the biggest ones are for human beings both on his body and soul. Man himself is a source for giving birth to banes and calamities gush out from inside human beings and multiple times of these are outside human beings which are all destroying human beings. Like sickness of which certain gets developed from inside and certain are due to viruses and bacterias outside which are calamities and we try to remain protected from these.
Allah has made a comprehensive protection mechanism for man but has not enforced this on man. Allah will neither guide, misguided, relief or destroy us by force and everything will happen with our choice. Persuasion is not there in any affair of man. Though we say in certain affairs we were persuaded but this is not true because in every instance we have at least two options in front of us. Allah has made calamities as well made arrangements for protection from calamities by first giving us awareness about the calamities and also made protection mechanism about which also given us the choice to adapt it or not.
The Taqwa presented by Quran is quite expansive for every field of life and I have repeated this several times so that it gets endorsed in our minds and heart. Allah has made life and in the laps of life there are other dimensions. The lap of life is society that is social life where human beings live together. In the lap of society the other affairs of life gets nurtured.
Amongst the social systems there is political system which means management of social affairs. For us politics means the political parties contesting elections and coming in governance, which we should remove from our minds. We should refer to Quran for the meaning of politics. Allah has made the political system as Wilayat and Imamat.
Our scholars have not considered the management of social affairs as religion and for them religion is only worship. If we are busy in worships then society would be managed by whom? The Taghoot. This is what has happened and from the time religion came the society went in the hands of taghoot and then scholars started to find justifications for governance of Taghoot.
The management of social affairs is Imamat or Wilayat. When we open this system the first element is the Imam, the leader who does this. For us religion starts with Ablution and then Salaat but for social management Quran does not present this as the starting point. When society stands on it’s feet then to maintain discipline the worship rituals are required.
The first political system, that is management of social affairs and in this the first department of management is economics. If the economical management is not done then do not expect that people will do worship or observe religion. Why economics is necessary?
In Surah Maida itself the verse related to economical affairs of society is managed. This Surah is the last surah revealed which is the conclusion and summary of entire religion. In verse 87, 88
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُحَرِّمُوا طَيِّبَاتِ مَا أَحَلَّ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَلَا تَعْتَدُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ {87}
O you who believe! do not forbid (yourselves) the good things which Allah has made lawful for you and do not exceed the limits; surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.
وَكُلُوا مِمَّا رَزَقَكُمُ اللَّهُ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي أَنْتُمْ بِهِ مُؤْمِنُونَ {88}
And eat of the lawful and good (things) that Allah has given you, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, in Whom you believe.

This verse is also addressed to the Quranic believers and not biological claimant. The verse says that the pure things which Allah has made permissible (Halal) why do you make it forbidden on yourself. All Halal things are pure. And also do not cross the limits in consumption of permissible things. Allah does not like those who transgress the limits. Use the permissible provision given by Allah but also acquire Taqwa.
After Wilayat the most important affair of society is in the field of economics where you need means of life for living. Even if you just depend on Quran then you will find more verses on economics than verses of worship. The verses most about worship is Salaat and then Zakat which is both worship and economics. We will find more orders and prohibitions related to economics which are all means of life not just limited to food. The means of life which are essentials should be fulfilled. But most verses of Quran refer to food and this is not because food should be Halal and rest are fine to not be Halal? This is because the most essential thing in economics is food which is required for survival of man. Hence in terms of benefits it is more because if other means like transport means, mobile is not there you wont die. Even if you have no clothes then also you will not die. If you don’t have house at all then also you wont die. Food and water are those means by which man survives and grows as well by body and soul. You can see children who do not eat they cannot grow well physically.
Rizq does not mean food, but it’s the means that are given as per need in the required quantity and at the right time. And they are those things on which survival of creation is dependent upon. If something is not given at right time then that is not Rizq. Allah has kept the responsibility of Rizq on his own but has made as system of generating Rizq and distributing it. It is a like a company which Allah has made and selected certain pure persons who distribute it. This is termed by Quran is Infaq. Those who do Infaq are the staff of Allah and through them Allah gives Rizq. Thus Rizq are all those things on which man is dependent in both physical and spiritual life.
Food is topmost priority for man in Rizq because only after food other things become important. If man is not given food but given car, house, mobile, books then these do not carry any importance. Survival and growth, energy of man both depend on provision. Hence Allah has kept ardent attraction (Raghbat) in this. The most important thing of survival should be very attractive. We eat food because of taste and pleasure not because it is for survival. Two pleasures are very attractive for man, one is marriage and second is food. These are required for survival; one for survival of humanity and second of individual. With pleasure Allah has kept discipline, limits and laws on how to consume this. Man has greed and there is pleasure in food and marriage. There is attraction in these and man has greed, lust for these. Marriage and Food both attract man hence discipline is most essential for these. Hence Quran has emphasized more on these on how to consume these means which we have given you for survival. Quran has presented this with wisdom but our educational systems do not deduce these meanings from these verses of laws. We only present what is Halal and what is Haram and our scholars have considered these verses of no use in Quran. The purpose of Halal and Haram was to establish discipline.
In this Taqwa has a big role and if you do not apply the protection mechanism of Taqwa in food and marriage, then these two will destroy you which were meant for your survival. In this verse Quran talks about food.
Those pure food which Allah has kept as Halal do not say we cannot eat these. In poor people homes they do not get many varieties of food and children when they demand something parents deny it due to poverty, some do not allow due to miserliness. This is prohibition done not due to poverty but by choice. Sheikh Saadi says one who gives teeth to child has first made arrangement of provision. The miser person thinks that Rizq is in our hands and if I consume everything then there is nothing left in the world for me.
Some say that we cannot eat or drink this halal food because our ancestors did not eat this and in our family this is prohibited. One more category is Sufism where most Halal things are declared as Haram under the banner of spirituality but Allah says do not prohibit Halal. No Halal food is a barrier in spirituality though it has all to be in limits because that becomes an obstacle. This Sufi thinking which is present in Hindus as well that unless you leave all sorts of tasty food you wont be able to meditate or reach nearness to Allah.
One source is Quran and second is Seerah of Prophet (s.a.w.s) for whom Quran has said he is an exemplary role model for you. The Prophet (s.a.w.s) was told that one of his companion has left his family and went into dessert for worship. The Prophet went to him and said you are trying to find more spirituality than me? Have I left food, marriage and family? Pure and Halal things has no prohibition in consumption provided they are in limits.
Halal means to open a knot or something that is closed, prohibited that is Haram. Aqd means to tie a knot and Hal means to unknot it. The other term in the verse is Tayyab, which are those things which pleases man. He gets a good feeling by its consumption. Against Tayyab is Khabees which gives a feeling of dislike, displeasure in man when eating, smelling or seeing such things. The perfumes provide a good feeling inside man when smelt but there are bad odor as well. Tayyab food are those which gives a good feeling to man but at times food is such that it cannot be even seen or smelt. The Rizq that Allah has made is kept as Tayyab in its essence. All essential things which Allah has made for man has been made Tayyab as well means pleasurable. Those things which are not Halal are not pleasurable as well like smoking which is enforced on self due to relief from tension like drinking alcohol. These are not Tayyab but Khabees. All intoxicants are Khabees. If they were Tayyab then Allah would have declared this as Halal.
You need Taqwa in your homes in everything and even if you adapt this Taqwa in food then it becomes the basis of other Taqwa. Allah has kept all guidance and status for Muttaqeen, and this Taqwa in Rizq can be the starting point.
The first thing that gets wasted due to lack of Taqwa is humanity. When humanity gets lost then all human values leave the human society and individuals. A person who is without Taqwa has no values and standards in it. Lust besieges man and his mind gets dominated by lust and his behavior becomes Satanic and beastly. To testify this we can see the current generation, our own and global society and the current issues which are in front of us daily to which we have become habituated and accommodated them. For man these should not be acceptable but when he leaves Taqwa he accepts all this.
What others accepted and tolerated was not unbearable for Imam Hussain (a.s) which was due to Taqwa not present in them. The lives which are harmonized with Fisk, Fujoor and oppression going around, where man has no objection on anything. What atmosphere the Taghoots have made we have accepted that by heart and are also running to acquire that life which Taghoots have given us. We are living lives like an animal who needs fodder, food and opposite gender, mobile and are not concerned on what is happening in the world. How many children are killed, how many women are molested. A man without Taqwa is like an animal.
If we open the issues of our country then they are not less than Gaza, but the tragedy and pain in Gaza is such that all other issues look small. The entire world, then Muslims and scholars are in this state. We can see how much Taqwa, fear of Allah and humanity is present in these scholars. You are human to the extent to which you are showing reaction on Gaza, beyond that is all claim of humanity. There is a tough test for humanity. Everything is reaching through media for everyone. There are weaker people then us who are doing these things. The Palestinians are much weaker then Pakistanis and don’t have the basic means of life but still they are resisting and protecting their land, the sanctity of Allah’s mosque and not ready to leave the ground. The UN has announced that if war stops it will take 15 years to clear the ruins and re-establish this land. There are around 25,000 children, men, women buried under those ruins. We know all this and see in pictures everyday.
After Palestinian the only nation who has kept the name of humanity are Yemenis to whom Allah has granted dignity. They are poor people and have done which big forces should have done but these Yemeni Shia’s have done and is bigger than even Iran and Hezbollah. This is because their own country has turned into ruins before Gaza which Bin Salman did by continuous bombing of Yemen and these people living in ruins forgot their pains and are resisting for Palestinian and have placed Israel under threat. Last week they bypassed the iron dome and attacked Tel Aviv. The prejudicial Pakistanis have said that Iron dome protected Israel from Iran, so where is this Iron dome? The Houthi militia did this. And everyday millions are out on street for the pain of Palestinians instead of raising voice for their own pains. They are confronting superpowers by attacking fleets of America. They are challenging that we have not allowed any Israel vessel to pass through red sea in last six months. Then Hezbollah, Hashad us Shabi are doing things which we are not afraid to do. Pakistan is an atomic power, but they are not able to do. The Pakistani community do not apply any pressure on government. They are after electricity bills, PTI, inflation. The entire community should come out and force your representatives in Parliament to take a stand for Gaza. All those who have casted votes for them are part of the crimes of this government. Allah is going to ask you which oppressor you were partnering to.
America, Israel and UAE are practically Zionist states and they are under full control of Zionist. The entire structure of Zionism is in UAE and they have done a secret meeting in UAE. In this meeting they have discussed about post war because Israel is pleading to America to stop war in a manner which maintains their dignity. I will mention about this secret meeting in tonight’s current affairs discussion. They are planning for post war decisions. And on the other side one more such thing is happening which looks good from outside but is same from inside. The fourteen Palestinian groups including Hamas have met in China and pledged for unity. This is also a treachery done by China. The Chinese are gathering palestinians and America is gathering Zionists. What the crusaders have achieved to end those this front has started. The front of crusaders will God willing not get trapped. They have not stepped back and are not ready to leave resistance. If they had to submit they would have submitted to Qatar and Egypt, but they are standing firm. Erdogan is like chameleon.
The Pakistani parliament and Senate have beasts who do not care if Palestine ends. Certain spokesperson anchor of media are saying that when Israel was being created Quaid e Azam objected. So what was done after that? The government has pressure to release the prisoners of 9th May but for palestinian no pressure has been placed on government by the speakers, orators of Moharrum. Certain Kufi speakers started to speak that the Palestinian should not be spoken about in Moharrum. They have no sympathy from Imam Hussain (A) and take money for speaking about them, so what kind of sympathy they will have from the blood of Palestinian children when they are selling the blood of Hussain’s children. Even if man has human conscience and heart then man does not step back even if they are weak like companions of Imam Hussain (a). The Ansars of Hussain (a) are those who are ready for supporting him, and those who are not with me are all Khazileen who are accursed by Imams. We cannot expect from these accursed but those who have special blessings from Allah like Ansarullah, Hezbollah then from Pakistan as well certain people with conscience are there who can still participate in this. When the war of Gaza ends, we should be counted in Nasireen and not Khazileen.


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