The clear footprints of America and the Zionist regime in the massacre of the Homs officer college in Syria

FARAAN: The massacre of Homs Officer College was the biggest crime that the terrorist groups – which have been brought into Syria by regional and international forces – could commit.


The method, means and timing of committing this crime and the multitude of victims it left behind all show that the intelligence services were involved in this attack and their governments’ efforts to take revenge was the main reason for the failure of their plots against Syria.

This tragedy, which resulted in the martyrdom of at least 80 people and the wounding of dozens of others, shows the intensity of the hatred of the terrorist takfiri groups and their supporters against the Syrian army and nation, which foiled their plans. Because the time of this terrorist operation was chosen in such a way that the families were hugging their children at the graduation ceremony at the end of the ceremony, and this is how the pieces of the bodies of dozens of children and women intermingled in a scene that will never be erased from the minds of Syrian citizens.

The message of the enemies of Syria about this crime reaches beyond the borders of this country and is related to its relations with the axis of resistance and China and the positions of this country towards compromise with the Zionist regime and the American effort to maintain the unipolar system in the world.

It is not without reason that they say that America and the Zionist regime are behind the scenes of this crime. Experts believe that the explosives and the type of drones used in this operation and the level of accuracy in committing such a crime without any doubt show its superior technology. The remote-control technology of this drone is not something that is available to terrorist groups, especially since news has been obtained that shows that those who were behind this operation were monitoring all the events to carefully control the process of its implementation.

No one can deny the support of some regional and international circles for terrorist groups, it is also not a secret that the control of all these terrorist groups is in the hands of the United States and no one can control them without the coordination and consent of the United States, which is still dreaming of control. This is because Syria is not willing to compromise with the Zionist regime and supports the Palestinian resistance and is strongly opposed to American tyranny. Moreover, it has policies oriented towards the East and has established strategic relations with Russia, China and Iran. The recent visit of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to China and China’s emphasis on choosing Syria’s geography as a connecting point in the Silk Road project – which connects the East to the West – is proof of this claim.

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