The inverted shoe of the European troika in the nuclear agreement

FARAAN: News: The European Union on Sunday asked Iran to reverse its decision to revoke the accreditation of a number of inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency. “What is particularly worrying is the direct and severe impact of this decision on the Agency’s ability to carry out its verification activities, which include monitoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA),” the EU statement said.


The European Union, which accuses Iran of “disloyalty to the nuclear agreement”, issued a statement a few days ago and emphasized that France, England and Germany will not fulfill their commitments in the nuclear agreement to lift sanctions against Iran from October 18.

The European Union, led by Britain, France and Germany, never dealt with the nuclear agreement seriously from the very first day it was concluded. They were the first party to withdraw their companies from Iran after America withdrew from the agreement under the pressure of the Zionist regime. Benjamin Netanyahu, while thanking Donald Trump for following his advice in withdrawing from the JCPOA, actually admitted that this action was done under the pressure of the Zionists.

France, Germany, and England, for various reasons, such as being economically unable to adhere to the agreement, or not wanting to anger America, or not wanting to lose the American partner, have squandered all the opportunities that Iran had given to them in order to stay in the agreement and adhere to it.

The latest statement of the European Troika, which refused to adhere to the nuclear agreement by maintaining the arms embargo on Iran even after the October 18 deadline, and also the clear collusion of France, England and Germany with the United States even after the withdrawal of the country from the nuclear agreement and the re-imposition of unilateral sanctions and cruelty to the people of Iran, caused Iran to take its recent decision to reduce the number of inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency. This decision was made based on Iran’s sovereign rights contained in Article 9 of the Comprehensive Safeguard agreement between Iran and the Agency.

It was clear for Iran that these three countries, along with the United States, despite Tehran’s positive and constructive interactions with the International Atomic Energy Agency, will try to disrupt the atmosphere of cooperation between Tehran and the IAEA by abusing the Agency’s Board of Governors to use it to serve their political goals. Therefore, if these countries do not abandon their exploitative policy and abuse of international organizations, including the International Atomic Energy Agency, so that these institutions can carry out their activities impartially, Iran will definitely not accept any arrogant behavior, and will reciprocate without the slightest doubt against the decisions of these countries.

If the West wants to have a listening ear in the world, it must adhere to its obligations and respect international agreements and refrain from acting based on the interests of the Zionist regime, do not impose its policy on international organizations, and take responsibility for its decisions. The West should not advertise and promote that America’s withdrawal from the nuclear agreement is a sovereign American decision and that the European Union’s non-compliance with the nuclear agreement is an independent European issue.
The West should stop this way of dealing with Iran, the nuclear agreement is an international agreement, not an Iranian agreement, Iran has sovereignty like the West and does not allow anyone to violate its sovereignty, the experience of the past four decades is the best proof of this.

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