Faraan Zionist Research Base; Hesamuddin Abolhassani has studied and analyzed the history of Hollywood studios in the May 2018 issue of Cinema Criticism Magazine. Hollywood has many attractions and presently, it generally dominates the global cinema. One of the most significant issues that Hollywood initiated was the connection between the use of cinema in three areas: media, art and industry. This led the profitability of the work to outweigh its artistic aspects.
From 1903 to 1907, the Jewish immigrants used to buy films from Edison distributors and show them in their theaters. From 1907, they tried to go one step ahead; that is to move from showing the films to enter the film distribution and from there, to move into the filmmaking circle. Nonetheless, based on the Edison Trust rules, no one but the Trust members could make a film.
The development of the Jewish immigrants was so immense to an extent that in 1908, the Jewish Daily Forward Newspaper wrote in an editorial: “There are currently about a hundred cinemas in New York, many of them in the areas where the Jews live. They commence their work at one o’clock in the afternoon, and their customers – mostly women and children – talk, eat fruits and nuts, and have a good time.”
The Jews solicited the American cinema through intermediaries and were able to secretly buy raw films from Eastman Kodak. This was another step towards facilitating their filmmaking. From 1903 onwards, they moderately came into contact with important and influential figures among the jurists, lawyers, bankers, politicians, and Broadway Theater executives.
In the 1920s, the Jewish immigrants were making films without any restrictions on the religious beliefs of the American people and were consequently destroying the traditional values of the society. Most of the films portrayed images of gambling, addiction, alcohol, sex, and so on.
The studio officials, especially the Jewish directors, were female and addicted to two things: gambling and betting. The situation inside the studios was far worse than the images shown in the movies on the big screen.
During the first and the second World Wars, the Hollywood studios were completely accomplishing the US policies. With the films it made for the second World War, Hollywood portrayed the goals of the American politicians and gained the trust of influential politicians by appearing in the media. In these two wars, they sent troops to the battlefields to build news channels and numerous films in order to achieve the goals of the country’s politicians, and of course, they also presented America with some of the filmmakers and actors wo were killed in these wars.