The reason for the disclosure of the “Israeli” army’s scenario for the war with Hezbollah in the media of this regime

FARAAN: The media of the Zionist regime revealed the scenario of this regime for a possible confrontation with Hezbollah. “Israel Hayom” newspaper, published by this regime, explained the scenario of the Zionist regime army for a possible war with Lebanon and its effects and consequences on life inside this regime and the extent of its possible dangers.


Ali Haider, an expert on the issues of the Zionist regime, said that it should be kept in mind that this scenario is the scenario of the Zionist regime’s army, and a newspaper cannot simply and without reason access such a scenario; especially related to the maps of the security apparatus of this regime.

He added: “Armies, especially the army of the Zionist regime, usually, when there is a possibility of a military conflict with the other side, they themselves analyze the various aspects of this war and its possible results.”
This expert continued: “The noteworthy point in this report is that the focus of this scenario is on the domestic front and the damages that will be inflicted on the occupying regime.

Now, this revealing report about the war scenario of the army of the occupying regime is for the benefit of the army and the commanders and political leaders of this regime, so that if they want to decide not to start a war in the region, they can tell the people or their opponents inside that if you want war, these are the results that you shall face.

Hassan Abdoh, an expert on the issues of the Zionist regime, has also said that the publication of such a report in a newspaper that is the spokesman of Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of the occupying regime and the extreme right wing of this regime, and describes the severity and extent of the dangers that the war with Hezbollah has for this regime, pursues a goal. Lebanon’s Hezbollah can completely disrupt the life process inside the occupied territories.

According to Abdo, the purpose of publishing this report is to scare the public opinion of “Israel” and create an excuse and an escape route for the politicians of this regime from the war with Hezbollah.
He adds: “This report is a way of salvation for the Zionist regime’s cabinet and the coalition of the extreme right wing and even religious Zionism.

Because the performance of the Zionist regime’s army has severely degraded and serious differences have arisen between the army and the intelligence and security apparatus of this regime, and all indicators indicate that the performance of the occupying regime’s army is lower than expected.”

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