The result of “nihilistic” philosophies… the murder of a French woman every three days

FARAAN: A few days ago, the French newspaper “Loparizin” wrote, “According to the statistics of the Ministry of Interior, a French woman is killed by her partner every three days.”


The pragmatic approach ruling the West does not respect anything that does not have a material benefit for man, and believes that any religion, philosophy, religion or thought that does not help to advance the material goals of man should be abandoned.

The structure of Western society is based on this philosophy. Therefore, getting married and forming a family is considered a heavy burden on the shoulders of the western man. In Western philosophy, a person can satisfy his instincts without having to bear the heavy burden of starting a family and raising children and feeling responsible.

As a result of the practical implementation of this philosophy, we see that the number of children born out of wedlock in France is more than 60%. Although this number is very terrible, it is very small compared to the terrible news that is published about the spread of the phenomenon of sexual promiscuity and marriage with people and marriage with animals. All those who have fallen into the trap of this unrestrainedness and have left the path of pure human nature, consider it their right to seek “desire satisfaction” and “earning profit”.

The noteworthy point is that Western governments support this moral degeneration and even try to impose this deviant lifestyle on other nations in different ways so that “deviance” becomes a normal and common phenomenon in human relationships.

The question that arises here is what the proponents of the “pragmatism” approach think about the killing of so many women in one year. Does this horrible crime “benefit” the western society or the woman whose rights the West claims to defend? Shouldn’t all these crimes against women bother the western man – who has moved away from the spiritual values and moral principles of divine religions under the influence of materialistic philosophies? Shouldn’t all these crimes force the western man to rebel against the media empire – which hides the truth from him and has pulled him down from the position of a viceroy of Allah?

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