The secret of the crimes of ISIS terrorists and “Jish al-Adl” in Iran at the same time as the massacres in Gaza

FARAAN: The Iranian police announced the arrest of a senior member of the ISIS terrorist group, Mohammad Zakir, known as Ramesh, and two other ISIS elements in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran.


These people and 8 other people who were with them had intended to carry out a suicide attack on the day of Eid al-Fitr.

After it became clear that the plague of takfir spreads only in Islamic societies and more than 99% of its victims are Muslims and Islamic countries, there is no need to provide more reasons for the existence of a network connection between takfiri groups and the ISIS terrorist group, led by international spy organizations, mainly the American CIA and Israel’s Mossad, and some of the intelligence and spy services of the countries in the region, which are under the control of America and Israel.

It is not a coincidence that the activity of ISIS has increased especially in the last few months with the escalation of the US and Israeli attacks on Gaza and the axis of resistance. The number of terrorist attacks carried out by ISIS has been higher in countries that have declared their support for Gaza. Among these countries is Iran, and it is enough to follow the news related to these terrorist attacks and the arrest of terrorist elements by the security services and the police. We have realized that the United States and the Israeli regime have left the hands of ISIS free to rid these countries or prevent them from acting on their Islamic, human and moral role and divert their attention from Gaza and trying to stop the barbaric crimes against its people that have been going on for more than six months.

Last February 25, the Iranian police arrested a member of the terrorist group known as Jaish al-Sahaba, named Akram Lahori, while he was going to one of the southern cities of Iran to carry out terrorist operations. Before that, he had participated in bomb making training courses in one of the neighboring countries. A few days ago, the elements of the Takfiri-terrorist group Jaish al-Adl carried out attacks against the headquarters of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the police in the cities of Rask and Chabahar in Sistan and Baluchistan province in the east of the country, which resulted in the martyrdom of 10 security forces.

All the Takfiri attackers of these attacks, who were 18 people, were killed. In order to achieve its goal of diverting Iran from fulfilling its Islamic and humanitarian role in helping the oppressed people of Gaza, the Israeli regime committed the terrorist crime of attacking the Iranian consulate in Damascus last Monday. This crime led to the martyrdom of 7 Iranian military advisers, including two IRGC commanders named Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his deputy Mohammad Hadi Haji Rahimi.
Without a doubt, neither the Takfiri terrorists, despite the difference in their names, such as ISIS, Jaish al-Sahabah, and Jaish al-Adl, nor the terrorism of their leaders, i.e. the Zionists and the Americans, have an iota on Iran’s principled position in support of the cause of Palestine and the oppressed nation of Palestine, nor in the fight against American hegemony and their support for the axis of resistance will not be affected. The best reason for that is the painful blows it has inflicted on Takfiri groups inside and outside Iran.

On the other hand, the US and the Israeli regime are waiting every moment for Iran’s anger in revenge for the martyrs of the Iranian consulate in Damascus in a state of distress, a revenge that will make these two reprobates regret shedding every drop of blood on Iranian soil.

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