The White House reacts to the launch of a research satellite on Zul-Jannah

The White House reacted to the second successful satellite launch of research on Iran’s Zol-Jannah and, as usual, took a negative stance toward it.

Faraan: According to the Times of Israel website, the White House announced Sunday evening Tehran time that it was aware of Sunday’s test.

A White House spokesman criticized the launch of the satellite of Zul-Jannah, calling it “useless and destabilizing.” The White House has also said it is committed to using sanctions and other measures to prevent Iran from furthering its ballistic missile program. State Department spokesman Ned Price recently said in response to Iran’s readiness to launch the satellite that the United States wants Iran to defuse tensions. “Iran has consistently chosen to escalate tensions,” he claimed. “It is Iran that has consistently chosen provocative measures.”

“The U.S. military will continue to closely monitor Iran’s pursuit of appropriate space launch technology and how it relates to developments in Tehran’s ballistic missile program,” said Pentagon spokesman Maj. Rob Ludwig. According to Fars, Seyed Ahmad Hosseini, spokesman for the Ministry of Defense’s space group, said: “This satellite is competitive with the world’s top satellites in terms of technical features, which has two stages of solid propulsion and one stage with liquid propulsion.”

He stated that the launch of the satellite on Zul-Jannah was done with the aim of sub-orbit: “Around the divine power, the third phase of the development of this satellite on a combination has started using the information obtained from this launch.”




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