The very powerful official Zionist lobby in the United States, known as the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee, abbreviated as AIPAC, is so influential in politics and Hollywood today that some have called it the King of Washington.
Faraan Zionist Research Base; The Zionists are so influential in the “American” cinema that Moustapha Akkad, the director of Al-Risalah / Muhammad Rasulullah (PBUH), one of the few Muslim filmmakers who was able to experience the Hollywood and American environments for many years and make several films there, has revealed this secret:
In Hollywood, everything is controlled, even the subject matter of the movies. There are omnipotent Zionist producers and financiers who never even allow the (independent) directors to present their own subject matters that is against their views. [1]
To explain the above issue, it is necessary to have a brief look at the Zionists’ great dominance in the pillars of the “American” government and culture in which Hollywood is located:
From 1898, the American Zionist Alliance was formed in New York until the rise to power of Franklin Roosevelt (1939 -1945) as the President of the United States and support for the formation of Israel in Palestine (represented by the US Government in June 1939) and the actions of the next President of America, Truman in putting pressure on the British government to deport 100,000 Jews to Palestine in 1946, the power of the Jewish Zionists in the United States was increasing to the point that in 1948, eleven minutes after the United Nations announced the creation of the state of Israel in Palestine, the US government officially recognized Israel! [2]
The very powerful official Zionist lobby in the United States, known as the American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee, abbreviated as AIPAC, [3] is so influential in politics and Hollywood today that some have called it the King of Washington [4]. Moreover, in his book, ‘They speak openly’, Paul Findley – the controversial author hated by the Zionists – has noted:
“All the members of the US House of Representatives, without exception, seek to abide by this committee’s orders. This is because most of them consider AIPAC to be the representative of the “Capitol Hill” system (Palace of Congress) and have such political power that it puts them in a position that will determine their chances of winning or losing the election. [5]
Source: Mohammad Hossein Farjonejad, Zionist myths of cinema
[1] مجله سوره، حوزه هنری سازمان تبلیغات اسلامی شماره 3.
[2] محسن اسامی، «لابی صهیونیسم در ایالات متحده ی آمریکا»، قم، نشر فقاهت، ۱۳۸۴، ج ۱ ص ۱۰۸ به بعد، فصل پیدایش و نحوه ی ظهور لابی صهیونیسم در آمریکا.
[3]. AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)
[4]هارون یحیی (عدنان اکتار)، «تاریخ ناگفته و پنهان آمریکا»، ترجمه و تدوین نصیر صاحب خلق، تهران، نشر هلال، ۱۳۸۵، ج ۲، ص ۱۰۴.
[5] پل فیندلی، «آنها پی برده سخن می گویند»، ترجمه: حیدر سهیلی اصفهانی، تهران، نشر قدس ص33