There is a big explosion in the heart and life of the Zionists

In a statement commemorating the International Day of Quds, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) described the passage of the Intifada and the threat and insecurity through the walls of the Zionist regime’s center as promising a big explosion in the hearts and minds of the Zionists and the great nightmare of their supporters.

Faraan: In a part of this statement, it is stated: “Historical action and wise, strategic and futuristic initiative of Imam Khomeini (RA) in naming the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as “World Quds Day”, is one of the wonderful and meaningful phenomena and among the honors of the nation. Iran is considered for its obvious and decisive role in supporting the oppressed nation of Palestine and igniting the fire of anger and anti-Zionist hatred of the Islamic Ummah and the world of humanity against the occupiers of Holy Quds.”

The statement added: “43 years after the naming of the International Day of Quds, 74 years have passed since the establishment of the fake, criminal and temporary Zionist regime, and the pursuit and implementation of various compromise plans to solve the obstacles to the existence and security of the Zionists; Recent developments, especially the passage of the Intifada flames through the walls of the regime’s center, reflect the fact that Tel Aviv’s souls are being counted and the usurpers of Holy Quds are rapidly approaching their final decline and end.”
The statement stressed that individuals, rights-seeking, free and oppressed nations have joined more than any other historical period in supporting the oppressed people of Palestine and in supporting the cause of the liberation of Holy Quds:

The Zionists believed that by pursuing evil plans such as the deal of the century and normalizing relations with some Arab countries in a complex equation, they would put the issue of Palestine and the ideal of Jerusalem in an aura of neglect and oblivion, while in the opposite scene; what is happening in the occupied territories these days, especially in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, has not only not created a dream of lasting security for the Zionist criminal regime, but also transferred dense, latent and explosive energy into the hearts of the occupiers’ disgraceful life and has made every moment of their life a waiting period for a terrible and deadly nightmare.

This statement has noted: “With the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution of Iran, the heroic Palestinian struggle is always accompanied by great and undeniable victories and defeats of the executioner regime. Moreover, it has been accompanied by a temporary Zionist and the oppressed and defenseless resistance of the Palestinians, thanks to the unity, brotherhood and Islamic awakening that has taken place from Africa to the Mediterranean and beyond the geography of the region in the heart of Europe and America. The foundations of the regime, which are weaker than a spider’s web, have come closer to collapse and shaped the course of events in such a way that the realization of Imam Khomeini’s strategic slogan of ‘removing Israel from the face of the earth’ and liberating the Holy Quds is closer than ever.”

The statement emphasizes: “The discourse of resistance and Palestinian support centered on Islamic Iran; The only solution to the Palestinian question is the expulsion of the occupiers and the dismantling of the Zionists’s territory from the occupied territories, the return of Palestinian refugees and migrants, and the holding of free elections to fulfill their will to determine their own destiny. And any compromise plan, including the normalization of relations with some Arab countries with the fake regime and his Zionist child, which is a repetition of the great historical mistake of Anwar Sadat the traitor, is considered a failed act, an obvious and unforgivable betrayal and a play on the land of the occupiers and their dirty supporters.”

This statement concludes by commemorating the memory, immortality and epic creations of the martyrs of the Palestinian Resistance and the great number of martyrs who support the cause of Jerusalem and the liberation of Palestine in the Islamic world, including the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance and Martyr Haj Qasem Soleimani and other martyrs defending the shrine.

And inviting different strata and individuals of the honorable and revolutionary nation of Iran to participate enthusiastically and widely in the procession of the International Day of Quds and accept the call of the great leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khamenei (May Allah increase his lifespan).

With the will of God and with the unity of the resistance groups in the region, the sincere promise of the Imams of the Islamic Revolution in the destruction of the Israeli cancer and the liberation of the Palestinian nation and Al-Aqsa Mosque will soon be fulfilled. It will soon become the first news in the world media and the oppressed Palestinian nation will prepare itself to celebrate the victory over the occupiers and will impose the formation of a legitimate Palestinian state on the imperialistic and reactionary regime of the region with its holy and determined will.

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