This generation would be examined in Qayamat on the criteria of Gaza: Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 8th December, 2023

Sermon 1 :This generation would be examined in Qayamat on the criteria of Gaza
Sermon 2 : Palestinian only hope is from Pakistani people. What should they do?
Taqwa protects every aspect of life and the fundamental element of Taqwa is Adl. The Quran orders to establish Adl as that is near to Taqwa. The Adl means balance and moderation. Since the social life is the biggest dimension of human being under whose laps other segments of human life get nurtured. If the social life does not remain secure then all other segments of life become insecure without any enemies getting involved. When social life is not established on the basis of Adl, then that society would be like a flock of sheep which develops deficiencies from inside only.
Adl means to establish all the departments and pillars required for formation of society. The Adl comes into existence when all the pillars of society gets established. Like Insaan e Adil is one who is Shujaa, Afeef and Hakim. This means his all three powers of desires, anger and intellect are balanced. Such an Adil person is made as Imam or leader of society. Similarly social Adl also has various segments and when balance is maintained between all the segments then an Adil, balanced society comes into existence which is also a Muttaqee society that is secure society.
If we compare the structure of society to that of human body we can understand the social Adl. There are many things related to human body but not all are considered as structure of human body. If the human body structure remains secure as other things like weight, diseases, health keeps on changing the body cannot tolerate. But if the structure gets damaged due to some accident then man gets disabled, paralyzed and becomes incapable to move.
In ethical subject we discuss about Fakr and Maskanat (poverty) but we have not seen this from social perspective. What kind of society would be considered as Fakeer Society and what would be Miskeen society. We consider Fakeer as one who cannot fulfill his basic necessities of life. Fakr in Arabic means the disc in spinal cord. The spinal cord is well engineered with a sequence of discs around a central bone. Fakeer is the one whose spinal cord or disc gets broken or moved. We see patients who suffer from such problems due to accident or some injury. Even if one disc moves from its place man becomes paralyzed or is not able to do anything. Fakeer means one whose fundamental pillar is broken. Since money also plays the same role in the life of man. The Quran says that money has been made the means of establishment of life. If there is no money then you cannot do anything. Fakeer is one whose structure becomes deficient. A society also becomes fakeer.
Miskeen is from Sukoon whereby the movement of something stops. Miskeen society is one whose movement for growth and development stops. The one who is not having wealth , money is known as miskeen because his life has stopped as he cannot fulfill the demands of life. We have been asked to support Fakeer and Miskeen from the public treasury to the extent that their lives keep on moving. This is the fundamental structure of society.
There is no treatment for sick persons with sects. The sects have a specific limits in which they have their beliefs which they present and to create controversy with other sects. The Islam which is understood through sects there won’t be any mention of system. All sects in Pakistan do democratic politics because the sects do not have any political systems. Even when Imamat gets into the hands of sects, that also become democratic. In the syllabus of sects there is no such thing as social structure. They just want to keep people busy in hatred, prejudice, distancing from others etc. Their sciences are also sectarian. Hence social affairs cannot be understood through sects. But if refer to Quran which is not having any sect, then we can see there is society and a structure of society. The social structure which Quran has presented to us is named as Human Values. The values form the foundation structure of society. To protect the structure made by values the system is of Taqwa and Adl needs to be established here. Adl has to come inside the structure of society which means all values without ignoring any single value should be moderately balanced.
We are part of human, believing, Islamic society then you also carry a Shia title for your society. Now we should see if the social structure of values are present or not? The religion has come for these values and the Prophets are the architects of the society. I have mentioned that certain incidents are tests which expose the seriousness of sickness inside body. If someone develops cancer that too in the bones then it will make the structure hollow. Man is living a normal life and all of a sudden he goes for some tests and founds that he has cancer, and the tragedy increases. The same tragedy has taken place with the current generation as well which is the tragedy of Gaza. This has exposed the hollowness of the Muslim social structure which has been inflicted by such a disease which has taken away its actual power. There are two tragedies at the same time; one is in Gaza and other is in rest of world.
In Gaza thousands of children, women are been targeted daily. The other tragedy is with entire 8 billion people and 2 billion Muslims inside them. In Gaza the bombing, killing is being openly done and we can see the pictures of the dead everywhere on media. The rest of world when they see then the image of their reaction which comes out is highly dangerous. It shows that human society has lost humanity and has become victimized with lowliness. This insensitivity, oblivion, lowliness is the outcome of the cancerous society where we have been nurtured. This society was without values where we were born. There is a drought of values in society where you can see how the people in lands of drought become skinny. This happens when a society is not getting the correct nutrition. When a new generation is born, then the existing generation should have values to develop in the new generation. Is this present with parents? Is this present with education system? Are these values present with your political system to nurture a nation? The values have died much before. We have been born on a land of droughts, where values were not there else it would have been seen today. Today many diseases of body are discovered due to deficiencies in blood.
From where the values get developed? One is through the core intellect persons. Then the second source is revelations to Prophets who have been taught to establish values in society. When a society stands on values then that would be firm, balanced, Adil, Mutaqqee society. If these values get ignored and other things get nurtured them man turns into beasts. There is no exaggeration in this. You can keep Gaza on one side, and keep the rest of world, the neighbors of Gaza, the Muslim countries should all be compared. In Gaza up to now 20,000 persons are martyred in which more than 10,000 are children. This is a big tragedy. Keep these 10,000 on one side and see the billions of children in rest of world. See the Pakistani children and these 250 million people in Pakistan just see their state whether human values are alive in them? Their disease has publicly come out in this test of Gaza. All categories of people you see in Pakistan then you will find them more deserving for mercy. We can say that the martyrs of Gaza, children of Gaza have exposed the sickness and tragedy of entire world. Those children have said that we are not dead you are dead. We are patient , struggling for our land and we will still remain alive after death buried on the same land. But who are you? You can see all the scenes but do not even get little concerned. Even if they don’t say their state tells us that we are in much worse state then them. It is necessary to understand at this stage. We were in false assumptions about ourselves and others. Gaza has exposed all these so-called good persons who not even human beings. If there was humanity it would have demonstrated. Whatever is inside jar only that spills out. If there is shame, modesty then it would be seen. Gaza has exposed that lowliness of entire humanity.
Now two attempts should be made. One is to protect the children of Gaza and the second is related to these entire humanity who should be protected. We should not become silent spectators of both. In 76 years the religion, culture, politics, education which we have taken , its outcome is in front of us now. This means what we were doing for 76 years was all without values. Today we can see all the education boards, institutes who have given degrees but did not give them values. The religious teachings have made scholars, Allama but not humans. The scene of Gaza shows knowledge, degrees, politics is there but humanity is not there. This is because humanity gets developed due to establishment of human structure which is values. We focused on goodness, worships, duas but we were not taught humanity. This tragedy has taken place due to this. Gaza has become a criteria for Allah for entire humanity. Today’s generation would be assessed on Qayamat on the basis of Gaza. Allah will not see the prayers, fasting of those who did not come to Karbala but their values would be seen. When humanity ends then everything ends. If we do not raise voice for Gaza, then what are these sects, parties, institutes for? You failed when the test for humanity came. Hence two things to be done; one is to save the people of Gaza and second is to revive the dead society. They cry in Azadari, they dance in parties but they cannot prove their humanity despite of laughing and crying. Human beings have failed multiple times to prove their humanity. Whether it is call of lady Fatima (s), Imma Hussain (a) and today’s oppressed people of Gaza the humanity is not seen.

Today we can witness the fruits of lives without Taqwa. The one who is without Taqwa makes the life of others miserable. The lust for power destroys entire humanity. Two months have passed with the atrocities ongoing in Gaza. The entire humanity is watching this as silent spectators without any reaction.
We have to first revive the feelings in this dead insensitive society. The Prophets were aroused for this purpose only to revive the feelings, intellect and human soul inside human beings. The same duty is on the inheritors of Prophets that is scholars as well. One beautiful arrangement presented by Quran to keep the feelings alive in society in a beautiful manner is Friday prayer. It was for this purpose only to charge your batteries the way you charge your battery-operated electronic devices. We transformed Friday prayers into a ritual with least interest towards it. This was the actual charger for Ummah. Where Friday prayers are being done there is no soul and purpose on it. To revive dead feelings in human being as the feelings, emotions die due to routine lives we have. We hogg around on a daily routine, where we wake up, go to office, come home and then again morning. On holiday we sleep or take children out for some entertainment. This routine life takes us away from the purpose and kills the feelings of man. Then with these dead feelings we keep hope that our goodness would help us in hereafter. The purpose of Friday prayers is to revive the feelings of humanity. Everyone acted with their parts to reduce the significance of Friday prayers so from where will humanity raise their voice? What is the platform where people are prepared? Where people gather, then either courtyard or sectarian Maulana is sitting and the purpose gets killed. Media has replaced Friday prayers. All those who were responsible for this should accept your fault and better to seek forgiveness. The Ummah has become dead because you made the means of revival of Ummah as dead. Any heart who has pain for oppressed Palestine should thank Allah that you are not dead. The one who raises his voice for oppressed is alive and one who takes step beyond raising voice is expressing his feelings for oppressed. This is the criminal state on the Islamic world now including Pakistan. Even though the voice raised in Pakistan is more than other nations at the level of people for Palestine. This credit goes to people and they get rewarded for this as their conscience is alive. As Allama said that I have seen goodness in masses and could never be seen in elites. We can witness the sincerity in certain categories of people but that too not in all specifically those who are blindly following the sectarian chiefs. But this voice is not enough for both the fields. The way the oppressor is continuously increasing oppression then the awakened people should increase their patience. The people of Palestine are not losing courage, they have not left the ground and giving equal reply even though they are not equal to enemies. Such decisive step can be taken in any country. Turkey, Pakistan can take this step.
Two days back in a conference at Islamabad, where Islam Haniyeh mentioned that Pakistan can control Israel as they are powerful people. Maybe they are eyeing on atomic power of Pakistan, or forces or some group but they have this hope from Pakistan. This work can be only done by the people of Pakistan. The hope developed from Pakistan is at the level of people. The people have demonstrated their sympathy towards the people of Gaza. The oppression is not stopping and a step forward is required. We have given this suggestion to take effective step. All the people should take a decisive step and other nations will follow that. That step is against Israel and their allies that is America, Europe, Arab nations who have friendship with Israel, they have many of their organizations, institutes, political centers, banks, schools, NGO’s. The Pakistani people should stop all these institutes of those involved in oppression in Gaza. When their interests gets inflicted then they will realize. The voices being raised are getting unheard by Israel. They have very high interests present in Pakistan and if these interests gets stopped until the war stops then this war can stop. The American, British ambassadors are doing election engineering shamelessly. This would be a decisive step in Gaza. We have requested all the parties, organizations to gather together in any one city which could be Lahore, Islamabad or Karachi and carry out a big protest with at least 10 million people gathering and from there people should not return home but go towards the institutes of these Israeli friends countries to stop all their activities.
Israel can fight with Hamas and taste the war but this barbarism on children, women does not fall under war. We should together take an effective step. If Hamas leadership says Pakistan can stop the war, then it is not establishment but the people of Pakistan can do this. And specifically the Hussaini group of Pakistan can do this. They should not waste more time and in this week itself we should agree to take some decisive step. The UN General secretory is alone trying to stop war and by taking the support of an act he is trying to use his authority. The way Antonio and film actors have raised their voice then these believers should take step and you will get rewarded.

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