UN Security Council should end Israel’s constant crimes against Syria

Iran says the international community, particularly the United Nations Security Council, must fulfill their responsibility and put an end to the Israeli regime’s never-ending crimes against Syria.

Faraan: Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kana’ani on Friday censured a brutal missile attack by the Israeli regime targeting the outskirts of the Syrian capital, Damascus, earlier in the day.

“The Zionist regime’s continuous aggression and attacks on Syria are a clear violation of the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and a flagrant violation of recognized international principles and regulations,” the Iranian spokesman said.

He slammed the “questionable silence” of responsible circles and organizations as well as those who claim to defend human rights over the Israeli regime’s illegal measures against Syria and expressed his sympathy with the Arab country’s government and nation, particularly the bereaved families of the latest attack on Damascus. “The repeated attacks of the Zionist regime on Syria are a breach of this country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and will help armed terrorists and maintain and strengthen their presence in Syria, which actually threatens security of the region,” Kana’ani said.

Syria’s Defense Ministry said in a statement on Friday that at least three Syrian soldiers were killed and seven more wounded in the Israeli strike targeting the outskirts of Damascus. At least three Syrian soldiers were killed in an Israeli strike early Friday targeting the outskirts of Damascus. “The Israeli enemy carried out an air strike… from the direction of the occupied Syrian Golan, ” the ministry said, adding Syria’s air defense had managed to intercept some of the incoming projectiles. Syria and the Israeli regime are technically at war due to the latter’s 1967-to-present occupation of the Arab country’s Golan Heights.



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