US wars are waged to build weapons and enhance Wall Street’s bottom line

An American political analyst and activist says US wars are waged to build weapons and enhance Wall Street’s bottom line, they are not waged for any humanitarian reasons as Washington claims.

Faraan: “The US does not intervene in any country for humanitarian reasons,” Myles Hoenig told Press TV on Friday.

“In Iraq, American hearts melted when a nurse described how Iraqi troops were throwing babies onto the floor from their incubators. ‘Nurse Nayirah’ told a compelling story that was as credible as Colin Powell’s speech at the UN which turned the tide in support for Bush Jr.’s war in Iraq. The only problem was that both were based on lies. Nurse Nayirah was not identified as the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US,” he stated.

“Although Muammar Gaddafi talked of hunting his enemies ‘home by home, alleyway by alleyway, person by person’, NATO’s action were clearly one of regime change, not humanitarian. They attacked his forces at Sirte, Gaddafi’s home base of support, not where alleged atrocities were occurring. In fact, both Secretary of Defense Gates and Admiral Mullen could not confirm any such actions by Gaddafi,” he said.

“Nearly all of US interventions have been for regime change, never to protect people they claim were being oppressed. Negroponte had his death squads in Honduras and Iraq. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Haiti’s first democratically elected president, was kidnapped in his pajamas by Colin Powell’s forces. The gas attack at Douma was supposed to be a red line for Obama, until he learned, and took heed, to the fact that it could not be verified as originating from Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. Even to this day, Assad is identified by the American press as the one who gasses his own people, when the OPCW disavowed these claims, later retract it and censor the hands-on investigators at the US’s request,” he said.

“So the question is why do these interventions happen? President Manuel Zelaya of Honduras was overthrown because he wanted to rewrite the Constitution which had enormous popular support. The present Constitution was written during the Reagan years when all power rested in with the economic elite. His opponents controlled both the Supreme Court and the military and prevented a referendum from taking place. It was non-binding, more of a show of support for it,” he stated.

“Aristide’s kidnapping and the military coup, supported by the US, that followed was inevitable. He was a voice for the people. Many businesses, especially the textile industry based in the US, did not want any increases in the paltry minimum wage or better working conditions that would hurt their bottom line,” Hoenig concluded.

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