War in decisive stage with three powerful forces formally in war: Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)

Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq

Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 28th June, 2024


Sermon 1: Man has Wilayat all around his life with no authority to man for appointing Wali

Sermon 2: War in decisive stage with three powerful forces formally in war

The political life of man is the important dimension of social life that organizes the entire life. The title for the political life given by Allah is Wilayat. Allah has made systems for man but man makes his own systems against those just like man has changed the purpose of life against what Allah has ordained. Similarly, against the manifesto of Allah man has made his own way of life like ancestral, cultural etc.

Similarly, against Wilayat man has made the political system from Taghoots. The Taghoot comes from Tughyan which means something crossing limits like waves of water becoming turbulent. Man has to live his life within limits set by Allah but at times man crosses these limits which is titled by Quran as Fisk, Fujoor, Isyaan and Tughyan. They are different dimensions of same act of crossing limits. Taghoot is one who has crossed limits in every field of life whether individual, social, family, political and anything else.

Against Wilayat of Allah is the Wilayat of Taghoot which is that system made against the divine set limits. Anyone who does is Taghoot. The Wilayat of Taghoot is made by man. Wilayat as mentioned before does not mean friendship which is distortion and nowhere in Arabic Wilayat means friendship or even support (Nusrat). They can be Lawazim that too non-Bayyan. What is meant by Lawazim? Lazim is an object to which Malzoom gets connected and Mulazim is the two-sided connection between the two. Lazim does not mean obligatory , which means something that is connected to something. Like everything connected to worship, food, drinking water are all Lawazamat of these. Like container of water is Lazim for water.

Wilayat means one entity is dominant, besieges second entity for the purpose of fulfilling certain needs of second entity. This thing that dominates is known as Walya in Arabic. Friendship means be aware, acquainted with someone but it does not mean that one friend is dominating the life of other, fulfills essential needs or has authority over other. Friendship is an attraction-based relationship. The second entity in Wilayat is under control of first control. Certain persons when they become dominant, control the affairs of other persons this is Wilayat.

In our society and our life, we can see there is dominance and control of others. Like at times wife is dominating man. Woman decides for man what he has to eat, where he has to go and this kind of relation is Wilayat. If man is dominant than this is Wilayat of man. We can see even in business where with some we have soft relationship as they have their own work and ours is own. This is friendship and not Wilayat. But if one is dominant on another in business than this is Wilayat of the one dominating. Similarly in social affairs if you see the chieftain has control over everyone, takes decision for others ;this is Wilayat. If you see around you can see under who all’s control you are. To be noted contracts, employment is not Wilayat. Even a Wali can do contract and work for someone. Wilayat is when some part of your life or entire life is under the control of someone. This Allah says you cannot acquire yourself. You need a custodian in life who can guide, take decisions for you but you cannot make Waliy yourself. In our families’ children instead of father has made uncle as Wali. Allah has made father as Wali for children which the father can also not transfer. Only if the father is fool (Safi) and cannot understand daily affairs, primarily cannot identify the benefits and loss of children, then Grandfather would be Wali. If grandfather is not Wali, then Hakim e Shara would be their Wali. The Safi cannot be Wali, who cannot recognize good and bad. They cannot become Wali of even their own wealth.

The life of man is such that he needs a Wali which means you have to live under someone and in political system is the biggest arena for this. Wali is the one who manages (Tadbeer) the affairs of people. Tadbeer in Arabic is politics. Man needs Tadbeer and Allah has to decide the Tadbeer for man just like for universe. And for this Allah has granted wilayat to Prophets, Saints of Allah.

One mistake in Shias is that Wilayat is only for Infallible and not for anyone else. Wilayat starts from Allah and comes down to ground. Like you are Wali of children but you are not Infallible. Adalat is condition for Wilayat but not Infallibility (Ismat). The decision has to be taken by Wali only in managing affairs of society. Like father is Wali if he is sensible not fool, and mother cannot take decisions. Democracy, elections cannot give Wilayat to anyone. Like you cannot do elections in a big family to decide who is Wali. Every father is Wali of their children.

Like in funeral we say who is Wali of dead person to give permission. When a person dies, he comes under Wali of living person. The dead could have done some last will about his funeral and if it is good, it can be delivered on courtesy, but if is senseless like he says so and so person should not attend his funeral prayer then this void. This is our culture that after death also the wilayat continues. In inheritance will as well only 1/3rd of the wealth would get inherited as per his will rest his inheritors would decide how it should be distributed. Another Biddah (innovation) is that before death the inheritance shares are distributed when father becomes old. In his life he can give whatever he wants to anyone which is his rights, but no one can force him to do distribution as per Islamic laws. Wilayat continues in every aspect of life and these rights are given by Allah. Who is Wali of children, wealth, dead body, public treasury is decided by Allah and he has authority given by Allah to decide.

From where has friendship come as meaning of Wilayat. If Prophet (s) says Ali is Wali, then make him friend, if he says do not accept Wilayat of Jews, then do no make Jews friends? This is distortion, ignorance and misguidance. Some have spread this misguidance out of ignorance and some have done for some gains.

In Surah Maida, verse 57

يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا دِينَكُمْ هُزُوًا وَلَعِبًا مِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ وَالْكُفَّارَ أَوْلِيَاءَ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ {57}

O you who believe! do not take for guardians those who take your religion for a mockery and a joke, from among those who were given the Book before you and the unbelievers; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah if you are believers

Here those who mock your religion, Ahle Kitab and infidels should not be made Wilayat. If you possess Taqwa then Taqwa here means you should not accept anyone else as your Wali other than those ordained by Allah and here three categories are specified as those prohibited by Allah. Here we translate that they should not be made friend. What is the problem if a Jew, Christian is a friend who has no control over you? That friendship is harmful if everything of yours goes under their control. Do not give any political, social affairs of believers in their hands. You can keep relationships except with prohibited persons like Na Mahram and then enemies, transgressors who act on evils openly. Do not give control of your life to others but friendship is fine. Where do we stand as compared to Quran? Are we near, far, above, behind of Quran? Check your location and you will see you are standing against Quran. Quran says they were ordered to deny Taghoot but they made Taghoot as Hakim (rulers).

Here Quran is saying do not give rights, control of your society to Taghoot. You are selecting authorities for Municipality elections , so who has given you authority. And that too you select corrupt people. You are giving rights, control of your cities to whom? They are your Wali. You say Ali is Waliullah then which place of Lahore has authority and control of Ali. The orders are run by the government, police, officers and that too a woman CM means woman Wali. You have made them Wali and Allah have stopped you that you should not be making Wali yourself. Management of cities, nation is Wilayat.

In this verse, reference is made to Ahle Kitab and Kuffar. The seminary students derive something playful from this. If you say that anyone who does not make mockery of religion can be Wali, this would playing around which religious students. Here Allah is not saying that only those from Ahle Kitab who make mockery should not be made Wali. If you are told to do not eat donkey, then mockery would be we can eat dogs because only donkey meat is prohibited. The explicitly announced prohibitions are done for those which things which have become common amongst people. Why this prohibition from Ahle Kita and unbelievers is done? Because believers have made them Wali and getting involved in their decisions. If prohibition is not done from others, then it does not mean they can be made Wali.

Today those whom you have give vote and made them Wali are they not those people who make mockery of religion. Today we can see what corruption these politicians have done. If today this verse would have descended then prohibition would not be specifically from Ahle Kitab, because people of Pakistan have not made Ahle Kitab as Wali but these treacherous have been made Wali. Anyone who makes your religion as La’ab then they cannot be made Wilayat. This is Taqwa which demands that you cannot make Wali. If you cannot make anyone Wali in your home then how can you make Wali in society. You have no democracy in home then how come you have elected Wali in your society. Who in this generation is make mockery of religion needs to be seen around.


Today people see live scenes of the barbarism from Palestine but they are silent. This is due to living a religious life without Taqwa. But still there are some people who have conscience, they are those who are holding the front and Hamas has proven that even if there is a small group of people possessing Taqwa they can dominate and defeat a large powerful group who has confessed that they cannot defeat them.

Eight months before people were expecting something which is now with all praise to Allah is about to happen. Hezbollah, Hashad us Shabi and Ansarullah are practically getting into war and have taken the ground from Hamas and giving them time to refresh and rejuvenate. These forces have entered formally into war in a strategic manner and carrying out organized attacks. The losses are so high that Israel has evacuated people from the borders of Lebanon and Syria. Yemen is targeting more vessels now and US, Britain are carrying out arial attacks almost daily to break their power so that they cannot Israel. Then Hashad us Shaabi has started the attacks without any breaks. Hezbollah has said that if Israel does not stop barbarism, then we will enter into Israel on ground and have also given the map of the first zone which they will take over. Big migration from that area has taken place. They have presented to Israel certain preparations which has created big fear and anxiety in Israel. Few days back a big rally was taken against Netanyahu in Israel to stop war. The Israeli army is reluctant to fight and conflict between government and forces has started. The opposition party has expressed intention to bring down the Netanyahu government by forming an opposition alliance. They fear that he will finish Israel in the process of finishing Hamas and all these discussions are going on media. Netanyahu is taking benefits from the upcoming elections in America. International court of justice has declared Israel as a war criminal.

From the movement of Hezbollah and allies it looks like the war is getting into a decisive state. One columnist has written that if battle between Hezbollah and Israel starts then this would be Armageddon which is the final war. The past Israeli ambassador has announced that seven countries are ready to fight against Israel which are Iran, Lebanon, Palestine Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Turkey. Even though Turkey is a chameleon but they have said if this war starts then we will stand with Lebanon. The situation has changed where Hamas is not alone and they are also still continuing to attack. They say if Israel gets defeated by these then no one can protect the supporters and alliance of Israel. This promise would be fulfilled by Allah and we pray that this generation can see in these lives. Syed Nasrallah has mentioned by taking name of countries that youths are ready to come for war , and he said we have more than 100,000 warriors and we don’t need more. We have well trained 100,000+ Lebanese warriors. If there is a need we will give opportunity to others. This is the level of preparation and it is better that this war ends this way by destruction of Israel rather than with resolutions. This would be victory for those who are resisting and if time comes, then Pakistani youths both Shias and Sunnis would be ready to help Hezbollah, Hamas to destroy Israel.

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