FARAAN: The writer and analyst of political issues said: “Washington is trying to get Tehran to kill American soldiers in Syria and in other places in order to gain a trump card and use it as a pressure lever in the nuclear negotiations – which have reached an advanced stage.”
Esmail Najjar added: “This trick of America, that is, trying to accuse Iran of indirect involvement in the killing of American soldiers somewhere outside its territory, is just an attempt to hurt Iran’s dignity and provide the necessary excuses to put pressure on Iran from Tehran to gain points in the nuclear negotiations.
Najjar stated: As the final stage of the agreement in the nuclear negotiations is approaching, Washington is trying to gain a trump card against Iran in other areas. But this trick is nothing more than propaganda, and this country will never be able to get concessions inside Syria from Iran, because like Russia, Iran has gone to Syria to fight terrorism.
On the other hand, Samir Ayyub, a researcher of Russian affairs, said that America will not achieve any of its goals by bringing new charges against Iran and that Syria has the right to resist the invaders. He added that Washington’s accusation against Iran and Russia as a prelude by China to attack the American military is just a propaganda trick to show itself as a victim and attacked by other countries.
Ayoub has pointed out that America’s purpose in making such accusations is to justify its support for terrorist groups in Syria and to continue wreaking havoc on the country’s soil.