What are the self-governing organizations in Saudi Arabia looking for?

FARAAN: A delegation from the Palestinian Authority entered Saudi Arabia in order to investigate the normalization of relations between Riyadh and Tel Aviv under the leadership of the United States.


Saleh Abu Azzah, a researcher of Zionist issues, said that there is a difference between the claims of the self-governing organizations about the conflicts between Saudi Arabia, Palestine and the United States and what is the truth.

Referring to the official positions of the Palestinian Authority regarding the Saudi compromise plan, he noted that the truth is something else, and that is the financial support of Saudi Arabia to the Palestinian Authority to end the Palestinian resistance and struggle in the West Bank and to expand the authority’s control over this region.

He clarified that the self-governing organization wants the United States to recognize the Palestinian state in the United Nations and also wants to establish relations with the United States and reopen the American consulate in Palestine in East Jerusalem and reopen the representative office of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington that Trump closed. Saleh Abu Azzah also noted that the Palestinian Authority wants to guarantee Israel’s adherence to its obligations.

He emphasized that the self-governing organization used to demand 100% control over the West Bank, but today it has been forced to lower the level of its demands. This issue will definitely lead to the anger of the Palestinian people. The researcher of the Zionist regime noted that the compromise of the Arabs with the Zionist regime is to the detriment of the interests of Palestine and the self-governing organization, but even if the self-governing organization can get concessions from the occupying regime, these concessions will not be permanent, because experience has proven that with a regime that continuously violates the Palestinians, no agreement will remain, and the United States is not ready to guarantee as the Palestinian Authority expects.

This expert stated that the self-governing organization has come to believe that it cannot achieve international legitimacy in the shadow of the current American policies towards the Palestinian issue and its continuous support for the Zionist regime. Tissir Nasrallah, a member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah movement, also said that the Palestinian nation categorically rejected the entire reconciliation process and especially declared its opposition to the Arab peace plan, which was proposed in the year 2000 at the Beirut conference of leaders called the “Arab Peace Plan”.
He clarified that the Palestinian nation wants its absolute rights and expects the self-governing organization to work in this direction. Tissir Nasrallah emphasized that the Zionist regime wants a free compromise with the Arab countries at the cost of the rights of the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian positions towards such movements are quite clear.

He added that the Palestinian nation, by announcing its opposition to the reconciliation process, continues its struggle with the occupiers and is fully confident that one day it will win and gain its legitimate rights through struggle. The member of the Revolutionary Council of the Fatah Movement also emphasized that in the compromise process, the opposition or agreement of the self-governing organizations is of no importance because the Arab countries have compromised with the occupying regime without paying the least attention to the issue of Palestine and the self-governing organizations.

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