What other crimes are left for the Zionists to commit?!

FARAAN: In response to the martyrdom-seeking operation of the Palestinians against the Zionist occupation regime, the Westerners – with a gesture of justice – condemned the attacks against what they called “Israeli civilians”, while the recent crimes of the settlers in Jenin and the West Bank and among them, the insult to the Holy Quran clearly proved that the settlers are not only civilians, but they are an important part of the Zionist army, which has no qualms about killing Palestinians.

What happened in the past days in Jenin and the West Bank reveals this fact. The most brutal crimes have been committed against the Palestinians, and of course, most of them have been assigned to settler groups, which would not do such a thing without the support and coordination of the occupation regime’s army.

The crimes committed by the settlers, especially in the areas of Orif and Termesia, desecration of mosques, burning of the Holy Quran, attacks on houses and destruction of agricultural products cannot be interpreted as a reaction or expression of anger. Rather, they should be considered crimes that have been carefully designed to achieve a specific goal, and this goal is nothing but terrorizing and intimidating the Palestinians and forcing them to abandon their homes and villages for the settlers. The same crime that the Zionist groups committed 70 years ago with the support of the British colonialists.

According to many experts, if the unlimited support of the United States for the Zionist regime, which even the President of the United States has publicly been proud of, was not there, the Zionist regime would not have the courage to transgress all moral and human values and norms and the international conventions.

It is worth noting that if it was not for the rush of the Arab governments to normalize with the terrorist and racist Zionist regime and also to call the struggle of the resistance groups “terrorist” on their part, this regime and its settlers would not have the courage to burn the Holy Quran in the Arab and Muslim areas. It is clear that the Zionists are fighting with Muslims by insulting their beliefs, so there is no way to win over them except “belief”.

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