Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan
Friday Sermon – 20th October, 2023
Sermon 1 : What responsibility is Quran imposing on us for Palestine?
Adl is the purpose of arousing Prophets so that people can rise and establish on the basis of Adl. If there is no Adl then no Taqwa which means man is insecure. If we ignore Adl then tyranny, cruelty, injustice, oppression will take place. Today tyranny in the world is due to non-establishment of Adl.
In the human history man has never been so lowly, abased as today whereby man does not possess any gem or element of humanity. He is not educated, fostered on the basis of humanity. The lowliness being witnessed today was never seen before. It is not that just Zionist which are doing extreme tyranny in Gaza are a reference. But even those who are watching as silent spectators, unconcerned, without any sensitivity have closed their eyes on these scenes are lowlier, disgraced than even the Zionist. In this category the lowliest state is of Muslims because they associate themselves with Islam, take benefits from Islam , their dignity, honor all is established due to Islam. They are availing all benefits of being Muslim but no signs of Islam or humanity is seen in them. Specifically the second week of tyranny.
There are always losses in war and Allah has expressed in Quran that if you have suffered losses then they also have suffered losses. The Zionist are in state of war with Palestine and Muslims. They have transgressed all war laws and principles. They are just fighting wildly. It is being said last week they have done utmost oppression but they have been doing this from the beginning. The Islamic world has crossed all limits of being careless, unconcerned. We cannot expect sympathy from the staunchest enemy like Zionists specifically backed by Satanic powers.
Imam Hussain (a) one year before during Hajj delivered a Sermon at Mina. He drew their attention towards the circumstances whereby he called all Muslim religious scholars, elites and other personalities. Yazid has not yet come into power and it was his father who was governing at that them. Imam Hussain (a) was addressing the political, religious and visionary leadership of Muslim Ummah with the current affairs. They were all aware about the situation. He informed them as to what is happening and what you are doing. He did not talk about the ruler but instead condemned them that your behavior is worse than the ruler because he has acquired power through treachery and tyranny. He has destroyed your world and hereafter both. The ruler has done what he was supposed to do but what are you doing? All limits of Allah have been transgressed and you are not showing any reaction and not even taking notice. You are just enjoying your world whereas you are representatives, scholars, nobles of Islam. You have earned respect from Islam whereas your ruler has not got power, governance through Islam but you got everything from Islam. You had no identity , specialization before and it was Islam that honored him. To the extent that if a person from your neighborhood goes somewhere people in that place honor him as well because he has come from your locality. They are respecting you to this extent due to Islam and today all limits of Islam are being transgressed in front of your eyes. Many other companions and personalities have also confessed about the state of Islam. They have told that only Kalema from Islam of Prophet had remained and some said only congregational prayers are left and rest all from Islam has ended. People were observing all this but were not speaking and protesting. They were earning all respect , political status, wealth from Islam.
We are not attentive on how much benefits a religious personality gains from Islam. Imam Khomeini (r.a) to those scholars who used to only do criticism on revolution and not doing anything for Islam, instead just eating the stipends of Islam sitting comfortably would question them what have you given to Islam so don’t sit and criticize as to what Islam has given you.
A person living in Pakistan has earned a lot of things from the nation, so the question is what have you done from Pakistan for the development, defense, growth of Pakistan? You are just taking one sided benefits and you are just like those cows who neither reproduces nor gives milk but eats heavy fodder. But more than this you have earned benefits from Islam which has given you honor, respect, dignity and status. So the question is what have you done for Islam? This was the same question which Imam Hussain (a) raised for them as to what you are doing?
Today the Zionist tyrants are attacking hospitals and around 1000 children are martyred and even woman more than this. Hamas as attacked your cants and bases, not your people. The Palestinians are ready to die because in war there is killing and death. They have turned Gaza into rubbles and their satanic partners like Biden, the PM of UK and their foreign ministers are visiting one by one. Something has happened that’s why you are coming. You have realized how difficult it has become to save Israel. They are saying we have come to give victory to Israel. The Zionists, US, British are doing what they were supposed to do. There are Muslims in 52 Muslim nations and there are other countries like India and other places where there are high number of Muslims. The Muslims are 2 billion across the world and you can see their state now. Imam Hussain (a) is asking them as to what you are doing? The Zionists, America have not come into power using the name of Islam but those who have made their states, position, governance using Islam for them question is on what state you are now? Who are lowlier? Those who are killing children or those who are sitting silent? Take Pakistan where there are rulers, politicians, religious leadership, nobles, elites, capitalists and then people as well. They are all together 250 million who are taking benefits from Islam and specifically the religious leadership. Their everything is from Islam. Their leadership, organization, madrassah, assets, personality is also at the mercy of Islam. We can here assess who is lowlier? Those killers or these people who have earned everything from Islam but dead. Today a news is floating in Pakistan that an incorrect specimen of Quran has been printed. The court has summoned the PM and CM to come and answer on how such a mistake has taken place. Such sensitivity and love for Islam can be seen, you burn out villages if one page of Quran gets sacrilege. You are doing Quran day and night, but what is written in Quran? Just look inside Quran as a mirror and see your face. See what is the responsibility Quran has on you.
وَمَا لَكُمْ لَا تُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ وَالْمُسْتَضْعَفِينَ مِنَ الرِّجَالِ وَالنِّسَاءِ وَالْوِلْدَانِ الَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا أَخْرِجْنَا مِنْ هَٰذِهِ الْقَرْيَةِ الظَّالِمِ أَهْلُهَا وَاجْعَلْ لَنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ وَلِيًّا وَاجْعَلْ لَنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ نَصِيرًا {75}
And what reason have you that you should not fight in the way of Allah and of the weak among the men and the women and the children, (of) those who say: Our Lord! cause us to go forth from this town, whose people are oppressors, and give us from Thee a guardian and give us from Thee a helper
What has happened with you is being questioned by Quran that why you don’t fight in the way of Allah, when the situation is such that weak men, women and children are being oppressed. These oppressed are screaming that O Lord! Give us salvation from this town of tyrants. How? Give us a Wali from your side who can give us salvation from these tyrants and give us supporters who can help us so that we can get salvation from these oppressors.
This is the verse of Quran in Surah Nisa, so is this present or not ? The terrorist consider killing religious people as obligatory in the name of religion. As per our Army chief these Khawarij who consider killing religious people as obligatory and who target only Muslims. When the Fitnah of ISIS started which was a force made with participation from ninety countries. The Western countries have made a training camp in Bosnia. One journalist asked an ISIS commander as to why you don’t fight against Israel or when will you fight with them. The ISIS commander replied that we will fight against these Zionists the day they become Shia. This is the filthy seed that was cultivated in Pakistan to fight against Shias. See what Quran is saying as to what has happened with you that oppressed women, children, weak men are screaming from under rubbles to give us salvation from oppressed by appointing a Wali and Support from yourself. You are sensitive about the characters printed inside Quran but what is the order for Muslims today in this Quran? Today when you need all the forces , you should become Wali and Naseer from Allah to give salvation to these oppressed.
الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۖ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ الطَّاغُوتِ فَقَاتِلُوا أَوْلِيَاءَ الشَّيْطَانِ ۖ إِنَّ كَيْدَ الشَّيْطَانِ كَانَ ضَعِيفًا {76}
Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Shaitan. Fight therefore against the friends of the Shaitan; surely the strategy of the Shaitan is weak.
Today you can see in Pakistan a big population is watching cricket world cup under this oppression. And our media is so shameful that first news they show is world cup, then after that Nawaz sharif, then about Khan’s prison and in the end they give one news that Israel has bombarded Palestine and so many killed. At least give proper news , your humanity has ended? You have placed the community behind world cup? The scholars take out rally and do some protests. Some people are referring to us as well on what we should do for supporting Gaza. Why? Just wait till all is finished and then go there to construct? In Karbala as well Imam Hussain (a) sent two letters , one to Basrah and one to Kufa. The two messengers who went to Basrah got killed prior to Hazrat Muslim. They went to the leaders of Shia in Basra. There are two faced persons everywhere. There was one leader who was lover of Ahlulbayt and also given her daughter to Banu Umayyah in marriage. He got the letter and along with the messenger to Ubaidullah and he got him martyred brutally. The other letter went to leaders, they discussed with their tribes. The tribes said their leader will decide what to do? If they ask us to support Imam we will do that else not. All these who did not go, they went later to the grave of Imam hussain (a) for Ziarat. So are we waiting to make their homes when nothing would be left.
First obligation is to punish the oppressors and their allies. The rulers of Muslim world who are only condemning , the Quran is asking them as to what has happened to you, when these oppressed are screaming for salvation asking for a guardian and supporter. Why the Ulama’s are silent? I will recite the hadith from Prophet (s) as to what has happened with them by which they are become most lowly and disgraceful.
Sermon 2
If Muslims just take this one step – 24 hrs atrocities will stop in Gaza
Without Taqwa humanity ends and it does just not end in Israel but for everyone and most for Muslims. The Palestinians are oppressed and there is no sin to be oppressed, but to remain unconcerned on this oppression is sin.
Quran is questioning on why you are not rising for the oppressed women, men and children when they are screaming for help to give them salvation. So why is someone not going there as Wali from Allah? Today it would be proven as to who is Wali and Supporter from Allah. And the one who has reached they are the Wali.
There is a Hadith present in various Sunni references. In this hadith the Prophet (s) told the companions, that very soon I can see in the Ummah that all wild beasts are attacking you Muslims together the way flies attack a bowl of sweets. The companions asked why they will attack us? Due to us being in less numbers? The Prophet (s) replied you won’t be less but in abundance. You would turn into 2 billion but your state, worth would be like foam on water. Your humanity , status would be lost and you would termed as voter. Allah will end your fear and awe from the hearts of enemies and instead that Allah will place feeling of lowliness, fear and weakness. The companion asked what would be that weakness? He (s) said it would be love of world and fear from death.
In other traditions love of world and love of power, and due to this you would become lowly. The enemies would oppress you and you won’t be able to do that.
During the time of Ali (a) Caliphate, a terrorist group of Muawiyah carried out an operation on Egyptian border and the defensive post which Ali (a) had made , the people from there ran away and came to Ali (a) in Kufa. They told Ali that it was a big attack. Ali (a) asked how many were they? They said they were five and these were hundred people. These people who attacked that place, they snatched the anklet of one Jewish lady and jewelry of another woman. Ali (a) said if someone would have died on this state I won’t criticize him. This is the school of Ali (a) and his Imamat. When you are in big numbers but still enemies are not afraid from you. You can see how big are Arabs, the forces of Egypt are much bigger from Israel. You can see how America is standing on ground with oppressors and they are also friends with Muslim countries, and still challenging to end Palestine. The British FM also goes there and does this. And these countries have embassies in the Muslim countries. They are coming there to challenge Palestine and Muslims are begging to allow the aid to reach there. Do you take permissions in this situation? If you want to punish Israel and save Palestine then the most effective step is not meeting and gathering. If the Muslim rulers want to help Palestine, the best help is to shut down the Embassies of America and Britian in tier country, send their ambassadors back and call yours back from there. But these lowly people who are power hungry will never do this. The Scholars of Islam can give Fatwas on this situation. If you do not give Fatwas now, then there is no importance of your any Fatwa. Your Fatwa’s are powerful so issue them which can give salvation.
Another thing which people can do without waiting for rulers and scholars. The way they have besieged Gaza with marines. So if the people besiege their embassies and not leave unless they uplift the siege from Gaza. This is something which the people can do, but people act on orders of some and they should prove their sincerity and human being. This can be done easily , if the Muslim world country people can just peacefully besiege the Embassies. I can guarantee you that if all countries Muslims do this, in one afternoon the issue would be get resolved for Gaza. The people are just busy in watching news, world cup. And this oppression would continue and Quran will tell us that these oppressed are calling you and what you are doing? Whenever such calls from oppressed come it is the followers of Ahlulbayt only who have done this. When oppressors attack Shias, they will reply by attacking Zionists. In Khyber we have seen that after 39 days the standard was given to one who was Haidar. This is the path of Haidar e Karrar, the path of Imam Hussain (a).
The rulers can easily by just dispatching the ambassadors of these two Satanic countries and calling back their own. And the Muslims can just besiege their embassies. One fatwa of Scholars can resolve Gaza. If the scholars are not doing, then people can do this. But the people do on instruction of scholars. This step can be taken by the followers of Karbala. The way Hezbollah is ready to support Gaza with everything. It was in past also when Israel entered Gaza, Hezbollah entered. And this is the reason Israel does not want to step inside Gaza.