When Europe turned the paradise of Palestine into the gathering place of the most hated creations of God

FARAAN: “After the greatest disaster in human history, the Jewish people were finally able to build a home in the Promised Land… You literally made the desert bloom.” These are the words of Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, in her message on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Zionist occupation of Palestine.
In response to these statements, many criticized it and considered it to be due to ignorance or the influence of media and Zionist lobbies, but this is not true because a person like Ursula is fully aware of what she said.
We all remember that Josep Burrell, the European Union’s foreign policy official, described Europe as a “garden” and the rest of the world as fraudsters and warned against the attack of fraudsters on this garden, so his words stem from the colonial, cultural, racist and arrogant heritage.

Many political activists and public opinion while rejecting Ursula’s words that the Zionists turned the desert into a paradise, said that before it was occupied by the Zionists, Palestine was prosperous economically, culturally, commercially and agriculturally, and was a point of attraction for Arabs and that Palestine is not a desert, but it is God’s paradise on earth and the birthplace of most of the Prophets (peace be upon them) and its cities are much older than the cities of the European Union. Despite this, one must ask who gave Europe the right to use deserts. Give it to the Zionists to turn it into a paradise? And why Europe did not turn other deserts into paradise.
Like her ancestors, Ursula knows that it was Europe that turned Palestine into a gathering place for God’s most hated creatures, including criminals, murderers, racists, terrorists and lustful people who commit crimes like Hulagu khan and Genghis khan.
If it were not for Ursula and her predecessors, the sufferings of the Palestinian people would not have continued until today, and the Zionist regime would not have become the base of its ancestors, with its military airports, weapon depots, tanks, and war factories, a threat to Muslims and Arabs and a gateway to looting the nation’s resources and dividing the world. Therefore, we emphasize to her that the fox has no religion.

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