Why Have the U.S. and the Zionist Regime Failed to Establish Deterrence Against the Resistance?

FARAAN: Reports indicate fear and panic within the Zionist regime. This fear is so intense that the U.S. has announced it will stand by Tel Aviv, sending more planes, warships, soldiers, and aircraft carriers to support the regime against Iran’s and the resistance’s response to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas’ political bureau, and Fuad Shukur, a senior Hezbollah commander.

One News and Several Analyses

The U.S. and the Zionist regime persist with the same foolish stubbornness, committing the same deadly mistake of continuing the policy of assassinating resistance leaders. They are deluded into thinking that this is the most effective way to suppress the resistance.
However, the reality is that assassinating resistance leaders has not only failed to destroy the spirit of resistance in the hearts of Palestinian, Arab, and Muslim youth but has also strengthened it. This has had the opposite effect on the U.S. and the Zionist regime, bringing forth a new generation of leaders more determined than the previous one to continue the path of resistance.

When we say that the assassination policy is foolish, it is because those who advocate it believe that Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, Ansarullah, and Hashd al-Shaabi are just a bunch of extremist groups, gangs, or organizations created with money to achieve sectarian or racist goals, like ISIS and other takfiri and mercenary groups. They think these groups can be eliminated by eliminating their leaders. But in reality, liberation movements and resistance are like a sturdy tree with long branches that are rooted in the heart and mind of every free and honorable Muslim, and no force in the world can uproot them.

Thus, the crimes of the Zionist enemy, like genocide in Gaza or assassinations, are only carried out to revive the deterrence capability of this regime, which was forever lost after Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. It has been proven that the time for the Zionist regime’s deterrence responses is over.The recent cowardly assassinations have not only failed to revive the enemy’s deterrence capability, but they have also increased the regime’s fear and terror of Iran and the resistance’s response. The Zionist enemy is now deeply worried about the severe response from the resistance axis.

When we describe Israel’s terrorist acts against resistance leaders as “cowardly,” we are not exaggerating. This is because Netanyahu and his cronies can no longer target every fighter as they once did. In the past, this regime infiltrated Arab capitals, assassinated resistance leaders, and left without facing any response. But today, after every terrorist crime, this regime turns to its godfathers in the U.S. and the West to mobilize all their military forces and bases spread across the region to defend this cancerous entity. Without Western support, this terrorist regime could not intercept and destroy a portion of Iran’s missiles and drones during the “True Promise” operation.

Today, the resistance has entered the field with full force and does not fear Israel, the U.S., the West, or NATO. Now, under the shadow of the resistance, the true nature of the Israeli regime has been revealed. Israel is a fragile regime, supported militarily, financially, through intelligence, technology, and science by the U.S. and the West. Despite all-round Western support, especially from the U.S., the occupying regime could not suppress the resistance in Gaza or free a single captive without conflict during the 10-month war against Gaza.

Today, the Israeli regime tries to hide behind its Western allies out of fear of the missiles raining down on it from every front. This regime cannot revive its deterrence capability through the killing of children and women, genocide, assassinations, Western armament with the latest weapons, or even its nuclear arsenal. It has no choice but to accept defeat.

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