Why is Bennett’s Star Wars model against Iran not working?

The turmoil in Naftali Bennett’s decisions regarding Iran and the announcement of strategies such as death by a thousand knife wounds or the Star Wars model can only have domestic effects.

Faraan: In an interview with the Times yesterday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett claimed that Iran is at the most advanced point in its uranium enrichment capability and that the Zionist regime has the ability to counter it.

Emphasizing that the progress of Iran’s nuclear program is not a secret, he reiterated some null claims that “we will act against them and use all our energy, all our innovation, technology, and economy to reach a point a few steps ahead of them.”

He added that his role model for countering Iran’s nuclear program was the “Star Wars” program pursued by former US President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.

Star Wars is called the US Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI). The plan was announced on March 23, 1983, by Ronald Reagan, the 40th President of the United States. The plan consisted of an interconnected network of satellites armed with nuclear missiles and powerful lasers that were constantly orbiting the Earth so that as soon as a nuclear attack on the United States and its allies began, it would automatically launch interceptor missiles at attacking missiles and nuclear missiles hit the invading country. Many critics considered the Star Wars plan to be imaginative and very ambitious.

Naftali Bennett, meanwhile, recently announced Israel’s strategic plan against Iran as “death by a thousand knife wounds.” This anti-Iran plan is conduction a combination of many small actions on various military and diplomatic fronts, which are instead of a severe attack on Iran.

Many critics of Bennett’s government believe that the occasional change of strategy against Iran reflects that Israel has no specific plans to confront Iran. Reaching the stage of immediate military warfare with the strategy of death with a thousand stab wounds and then Star Wars shows that these titles are just a show to distract the minds of domestic and foreign audiences from the many internal and external problems of the Zionist regime.

One of the goals of the US Star Wars was to bring the former Soviet Union into a costly arms race, which, due to US economic superiority over the Soviet Union, this strategy ultimately defeated the Soviet economy. The fact is that the Islamic Republic of Iran, considering the threats it received from the peripheral environment and the colonial powers, from the very beginning put the strategy of strengthening in military and security dimensions as a fundamental and necessary ground for the development of the country.

In this regard, as high-ranking Iranian military officials, as well as world military experts, have repeatedly emphasized, Iran has become one of the most advanced countries with its unique style and technology in the production of weapons and military equipment, and due to the ambiguity strategy in its military capabilities, there is a kind of analytical and intellectual argument that Iran’s military power goes far beyond what it has revealed. Thus, the matter that Iran’s economy has been damaged by sanctions and that it is virtually inevitable to accept defeat by directing Iran to arms contests will remain an illusion.

Naftali Bennett should also note that the United States has implemented a Star Wars plan against Iran by imposing a deadly sanctions regime. Iran has not collapsed and surrendered over the past decades, but according to these powers, Iran has become an unseemly power and they have to accept this fact.

In addition, Iran has created new capacities in the region, some of which alone is superior to the armies of several regional countries. Capabilities with experienced personnel in the military who are armed with advanced weapons based on asymmetric warfare strategy.

The Zionist regime also knows that it lacks strategic depth, and in the event of a full-scale war, all the occupied territories would be “plowed” in the shortest possible time, as the Leader of the Islamic Revolution has emphasized. The Zionist regime is well aware that its presence in the environment around Iran cannot be considered a guarantee for Israel’s security, and regional regimes also know that Iran’s power and authority cannot be compromised, therefore shifting their policies towards Iran and having cooperation with Tehran is ultimately a strong guarantee for their security.

Thus, the turmoil in Naftali Bennett’s decisions regarding Iran and the announcement of strategies such as “death by a thousand knife wounds” or the “Star Wars” model can only have domestic effects. By spreading Anti-Iranian sentiment, Israel seeks to expand ties with the Persian Gulf countries to use their markets, which would help to resolve its economic problems.

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