Yemeni army downs another advanced American spy drone

The spokesman for Yemen’s armed forces says the country’s army has brought down an advanced American unmanned aerial vehicle while the aircraft was flying over a south-central region.

Faraan: Tweeting on Tuesday, Brigadier General Yahya Saree said the aircraft was shot down while carrying out a “hostile” operation over the country’s al-Wadi region.

He specified the aircraft as a ScanEagle drone, saying the drone was conducting a surveillance operation over the region’s airspace. Yemen’s army and its allied Popular Committees have downed dozens of drones since March 2015, when Saudi Arabia started leading an indiscriminate military campaign against the impoverished country.

The war, which has enjoyed unstinting arms, logistical, and political support on the part of the United States, has been seeking to reinstate Yemen’s former Riyadh-friendly officials. The offensive has stopped short of its goals while killing hundreds of thousands of Yemenis in the process and turning the entire Yemen into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

On Saturday, Yemen’s Supreme Political Council announced a voluntary and unilateral three-day pause in retaliatory strikes against targets in Saudi Arabia. Making the announcement, Mahdi al-Mashat, the head of the council, said that in line with the decision, Yemeni forces would stop all missile and drone strikes against Saudi Arabia for the stated period.

Sana’a was prepared to “make the ceasefire permanent” if Saudi Arabia would stop its attacks against Yemen, lifted a simultaneous blockade that it has been exercising against the country, took all of foreign forces out of Yemeni soil and waters, and stopped supporting local militants, Mashat noted.

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