Yemeni military official promises more powerful attacks on UAE

A senior Yemeni military official said the country’s armed forces are fully prepared to retaliate harshly against members of the Saudi-led coalition of aggression, warning that future strikes against the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will be “more powerful and effective.”  

Faraan: Brigadier General Abed bin Muhammad al-Thawr told the Tasnim news agency that the large-scale operation warned Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) that his sustained efforts to win Israel’s satisfaction will result in significant losses.

And Abu Dhabi will pay for such a wrong approach as a result, he said, referring to the normalization of ties between Israel and the UAE, which on Sunday led to the first official visit to Abu Dhabi by an Israeli president. And as a result of such a misguided strategy, Abu Dhabi will pay the price, he warned, alluding to the restoration of relations between Israel and the UAE, which culminated in the first official visit to Abu Dhabi by an Israeli president on Sunday.

“The Yemen Storm-2 operation was a wake-up call to Emirati nationals. They must know that the repercussions of MBZ’s lack of common sense will be catastrophic and that they cannot stand the fallout at all. The UAE rulers must bear in mind that their country’s interests and capabilities will be targeted in case they leave their state’s affairs at the hands of bin Zayed,” Thawr told Tasnim.

The recent Yemen Storm-2 operation conveyed the important message that the Yemeni army forces and their allied fighters from the Popular Committees will hit sensitive military targets deep inside the UAE, the deputy head of the Ideological Office of the Yemeni Armed Forces said in remarks published on Sunday.

“Yemen’s deterrence capabilities are expanding in lockstep with the enemy’s movements,” he said. As the Yemen Storm-2 campaign demonstrated, the UAE is weak and bluffing about its military capabilities. The impact of Yemeni retaliatory strikes on the UAE economy, as well as the stock market’s drop, clearly demonstrated the magnitude of the damage.”

“The UAE has been trying to secure a foothold in the region through its aggression against Yemen. However, the results have been the opposite, and the country is destroying itself indeed. The UAE is bogged down in a full-fledged quagmire,” the senior Yemeni military official added. The deputy chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for the Yemeni Army stated that the US is only interested in plundering the Arab country’s natural resources and national assets, not in establishing peace.

“The US does not want peace in Yemen, and is instead seriously concerned with looting its natural resources, even at the expense of shedding the Yemeni people’s blood,” Yemen’s al-Masirah television network quoted Ali al-Mushki as saying on Sunday in a meeting with Deputy Head for the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) Daniela Kroslak in Sana’a.

Mushki stated that Yemen’s National Salvation Government and the Yemeni people will continue to oppose aggressors and occupiers, underlining that the struggle will last until all Yemeni regions are fully liberated. “The ongoing (Saudi-led) onslaught on Yemen is due to the Arab country’s resolve for freedom. Yemen is bigger than countries and cantons created by colonial powers and supported by global imperialism,” he noted.

“The Yemeni official underlined that the military situation in the region has drastically changed, and that Yemeni military capability is growing in lockstep. “Simultaneously, the United States’ role in assisting the aggressive Saudi-Emirati-Zionist coalition’s atrocities against the people of Yemen and Palestine has grown. In defense of Yemen and Palestine, the Yemeni Armed Forces are looking into the prospect of more combat on several fronts and simultaneous battle with multiple opponents,” he added.

Saudi Arabia and a number of its regional allies, backed by the United States and European powers, launched the war on Yemen in March 2015, with the goal of bringing the government of former Yemeni president Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi back to power and crushing the Ansarullah movement. The war has left hundreds of thousands of Yemenis dead and displaced millions more. It has also destroyed Yemen’s infrastructure and spread famine and infectious diseases there.

Despite heavily-armed Saudi Arabia’s incessant bombardment of the impoverished country, the Yemeni armed forces have gradually grown stronger, leaving Riyadh and its allies, most notably the UAE, bogged down in the country.

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