Yemeni official says defining moment of Ma’rib battle close as sources talk of full liberation in a few days

A member of the political bureau of Yemen’s Ansarullah resistance movement says the defining moment of the battle of Ma’rib is “close,” as sources says the province will be fully liberated in the near future.

Faraan: Muhammed al-Bukhaiti told Lebanon’s al-Mayadeen news network on Wednesday that “the defining hours are close in Ma’rib.”

Al-Bukhaiti noted that the Yemeni forces are under popular pressure to liberate the province from the Saudi-backed militants.

Earlier on Wednesday, field sources told al-Mayadeen that the Yemeni army and allied fighters from Popular Committees took control of al-Balaq al-Sharqiyah mountain range, which is located near Ma’rib City.

According to the sources, al-Balaq al-Sharqiyah is “the last height to defend Ma’rib City from the southeastern side.”

Noting that many Saudi-backed militants have fled the battle fronts, the sources said “it is only a matter of days until the Yemeni army and Popular Committees will fully liberate Ma’rib City.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, al-Bukhaiti said that the defeat of the Saudi-backed forces in Ma’rib “means their defeat on the remaining fronts,” describing the imminent liberation of the province as “the worst scenario” for the Saudi-led coalition waging war on Yemen.

According to the official, the liberation of Ma’rib Province would pave the way for an end to the siege imposed on Yemen, noting that the member countries of the Saudi-led coalition can no longer impose their blockade on Yemen and launch attacks on the impoverished country from a safe location.

Ma’rib, which is located right in the middle of a whole host of other Yemeni provinces, has turned into a focus of the Yemeni army’s liberation operations since last year.

The province’s recapture, towards which many advancements have been made so far, is expected to pave the way for further military victories for Yemen’s armed forces.

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