Yemenis humiliated America and the Zionist regime in the Red Sea

FARAAN: Every Muslim and free person in the world bows before the greatness of the faithful and brave people of Yemen. The world saw how this noble nation, despite all the difficult conditions, supported the oppressed people of Gaza, and how they fought and crushed the most powerful evil forces in the world.

The United States and England, two nuclear powers, have invaded our region, especially the Red Sea region, from across the high seas, with fleets equipped with deadly and destructive weapons, and at the same time mobilized other countries and, unfortunately, some Arab countries joined the coalition – the American so-called “Prosperity Guardian Coalition” to give it an “international” image. However, not only were they unable to protect the Israeli ships and the ships that were going to the ports of occupied Palestine, but their own ships were also targeted by Yemen’s iron men and became an example of this famous Egyptian proverb.

The United States and Britain expected that the deployment of their warships in the region would immediately stop Sana’a from this action, but Yemen also targeted their ships with its drones and missiles, forcing them to admit that using force against Yemen would not work. After about 500 American and British air and missile attacks on Yemen, “Patrick Ryder”, the spokesman of the US Department of Defense, admitted: “The effort to deter the Yemeni armed forces has not been successful so far.” The commander of European naval operations in the Red Sea went further and said: “The danger posed by attacks in Yemen is more acute than ever.”

The people of Yemen created a great saga in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandeb, the Gulf of Oman, the Arabian Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Mediterranean Sea. Observers described this saga as the biggest naval battle of American forces since World War II, against a country called “the poorest Arab country.” Nonetheless, this poor country proved to the whole world that even after the US, UK and Israel embargo, it is still the strongest and boldest country to confront the American fleet, and its action has led to the humiliation of the United States in such a way that most insurance companies do not cover American ships. British and Israeli have refused. The point is that nothing like this has happened since the Second World War.

With their blind support of Israel and its attacks on Gaza, the United States and England have caused a lot of damage to the prosperity of Europe. Escalating tensions in the Red Sea have hampered shipping in the region, with Europe bearing the brunt as the militarization of the Red Sea has convinced more shipping companies of a safer, but longer and more expensive, voyage around Africa, the Wall Street Journal revealed that this doubled transport costs, which in turn pushed up inflation in the Eurozone by three-quarters of a percentage point and reduced economic growth by almost one percentage point. It also slowed last year’s deflation, which could push the Eurozone into further economic trouble in 2024, given its weak economy.
The naval blockade imposed by Yemen against the Zionist regime and the consequences of this regime’s aggression on Gaza dealt a heavy blow to the economy of this fake regime. According to Bezalel Smotrich, the finance minister of this regime, “The direct cost of the war is 246 million dollars per day”, which if it lasts for 8 months, the direct costs may reach 50 billion. Needless to say, the direct costs of Iran’s air attack reached 1.4 billion in just one night. The naval blockade of the Zionist regime by Yemen has brought the economy of this regime to the stage of destruction. This is because the investments and productivity growth decreased and the labor market was turbulent and it became impossible to find cheap labor.

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