Yemenis uprising aimed at ending enemies dominance

The leader of Yemen’s Anasrullah resistance movement says the Yemeni nation is treading the path of true independence and liberation from the dominion of enemies, stressing that the popular uprising in the Arab country is aimed at achieving those goals.

Faraan: “Despite the coalition of aggression’s attacks, educational institutions continue their activities in accordance with Islamic principles and values, thanks to the resilience and steadfastness” of the nation, Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said in a televised speech broadcast live from the Yemeni capital city of Sana’a on Monday while addressing a ceremony held to inaugurate Yemeni students’ summer activities.

Al-Houthi highlighted that the Yemeni nation’s popular uprising is aimed at restoring true independence and ending enemies’ dominance, adding that the people are pursuing a conscious, rational and insightful approach to achieve such objectives. “Islam is the religion of guidance and insight. It benefits the humankind to find truth and stay safe from misguidance. The Muslim Ummah has suffered a lot from misguidance, and many misconceptions have spread in it,” the Ansarullah chief also said.

Al-Houthi went on to note that enemies are making use of news media companies and print journalism to weaken and divide Muslim nations. “The enemies use various media outlets and continue to mislead the Ummah,” the Ansarullah leader pointed out. The Ansarullah leader stressed that enemies have their eyes on young Muslim generations, saying they are seeking to corrupt and destroy them through propaganda and misleading campaigns, so that the youths would not follow the righteous path and would fail to get to their feet as independent and powerful nations.

Saudi Arabia launched the devastating war on Yemen in March 2015 in collaboration with its Arab allies and with arms and logistics support from the US and other Western states. The objective was to reinstall the Riyadh-friendly regime of Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi and crush the Ansarullah resistance movement, which has been running state affairs in the absence of a functional government in Yemen.

While the Saudi-led coalition has failed to meet any of its objectives, the war has killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis and spawned the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Al-Houthi concluded that enemies’ disinformation and propaganda war against the Yemeni nation are aimed at liquidation of the nation’s spirit of liberation and faith.

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