Yemen’s Ansarullah leader calls US and Israel true enemies of Islam

Leader of the Yemeni popular Ansarullah resistance movement has called the United States and the Israeli regime “enemies number one” to Muslims around the world.

Faraan: “Americans and Israelis try to abuse the problems that lie within the [international Muslim] Ummah (Nation) towards furthering their own plots,” Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said on Tuesday while receiving tribal delegations from across war-torn Yemen.

“Israel and its mercenaries consider the Yemeni nation to be their common enemy,” he added. Al-Houthi was referring to the regional Arab states that have entered US-backed normalization agreements with the Israeli regime and have, ever since, been trying to ingratiate themselves to the occupying regime by aligning their positions with it.

“The [adversarial] positions that the United Arab Emirates, the Zionist regime, and Saudi Arabia [adopt] against the Yemeni people during their meetings is very clear,” the Houthi leader noted. The UAE was one of the regional states that normalized its relations with the Israeli regime via the Washington-mediated so-called “Abraham Accords” in August 2020.

Several other regional states followed suit. Saudi Arabia has not yet clinched any explicit normalization agreement with Tel Aviv, but has once received the occupying regime’s former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and recently opened its airspace to a UAE-headed flight that was carrying Israeli President Isaac Herzog.

Al-Houthi attacked Riyadh’s double-standards in dealing with the occupying regime and the Yemeni people, asking how come would the kingdom open up its skies to the Israeli officials’ plane, but at the same time would forbid the Yemeni people from travelling within the kingdom. The Emirates is also Saudi Arabia’s main ally in a 2015-present war and simultaneous siege that the kingdom has been leading against Yemen in order to change the impoverished country’s ruling structure.

The war has killed tens of thousands of Yemenis and turned the entire country into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. On Tuesday, the spokesman for the Yemeni Armed Forces, repeated a threat he had leveled against the UAE last week, in which he had warned that — with the Emirates’ ongoing involvement in the devastating war — the country’s popular Dubai Expo 2020 might be the next target of Yemen’s retaliatory strikes.

“To be safe…we repeat the advice,” Brigadier General Yahya Saree wrote in a tweet that incorporated Expo as its only hashtag. Precisely this time last week, Saree had urged the events’ participants “to change” their destination.

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