Yemen’s Ansarullah: US-Created Terrorists Carry Out Attacks in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Syria

Yemen’s Ansarullah movement condemned the latest attacks in Afghanistan, Lebanon and Syria, saying the attacks were carried out by the terrorists that the United States has created.

Faraan: These brutal murders were “carried out by the terrorists that the United States created and planted in Afghanistan to serve its agenda and achieve its goals”, the Political Bureau of Ansarullah announced in a statement on Saturday, according to Al-Masirah news network.

The statement called on Afghan authorities to prosecute the perpetrators behind the latest terrorist attacks against a number of mosques in Afghanistan.

At least 47 people were killed and more than 80 others wounded following an explosion inside a Shia mosque in the Afghan city of Kandahar during Friday prayers.

It came one week after another Shia mosque in Afghanistan’s Northern city of Kunduz was targeted in a bombing during Friday prayers, leaving at least 150 people dead and over 200 others injured.

Both tragedies were claimed by a local affiliate of the Daesh (ISIL or ISIS) Takfiri terrorist group, which has a long history of attacking Afghanistan’s Shia minority.

In its statement, Ansarullah underlined to need for Afghan authorities to provide the necessary protection for worshippers in mosques and prevent the terrorists from carrying out further crimes.

It also condemned the Thursday attacks against peaceful demonstrators in Lebanon, which killed at least seven people and injured 60 others, “as a result of the treacherous ambush”.

The attacks targeted Lebanon’s stability and civil peace, dragging the country to an internal strife sought by the US and the Israeli regime, added the Yemeni resistance movement, which runs the Arab country’s government from the capital Sana’a.

The attacks occurred as Hezbollah supporters were peacefully protesting against a judge investigating last year’s Beirut Port explosion as they accused him of bias.

In addition, Ansarullah’s Political Bureau also condemned “the criminal Zionist-American attacks on the Syrian Palmyra region” and supported Syria’s inalienable right to respond to the attacks.

The Israeli airstrike targeted the Palmyra area in the Eastern countryside of Homs late on Wednesday, with Syria’s official news agency SANA specifying the exact target as “a communications tower and some of its surrounding areas”.

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