Zionist regime holds undeclared large-scale military exercise

The fact is that the Zionists know that they have no chance of attacking Iran, and before any action, they will face a series of offensive operations by Iran and the axis of resistance. The definite result of this path is nothing but the destruction of Israel, as stated in the holy Qur’an and the Jewish religious books.

More than 3500 reservists from Israel’s army will be mobilized for an extensive logistical drill in the southern part of the occupied territories of Palestine.

The exercise will include significant military traffic, including the transport of heavy weapons and machinery throughout Palestine. Several thousand reservists will be mobilized and expected to report to their units.

All Technology and Logistics bases and the emergency depots in the various commands in the south will take part. Military police, transport, technology, and maintenance units will be activated as well, and work to simulate supporting a war and moving personnel through supply centers.

The exercise is intended to minutely examine and improve the IDF’s readiness and competence in logistics and reserve mobilization.

The IDF stated that the exercise was planned as part of the training calendar for 2021. Brigadier General Pini Ben Moyal said, “For the security of the State of Israel we will use all the capabilities at our disposal over the next few days, examining the results and conducting a thorough debriefing. The goal is to maintain the IDF’s readiness for any scenario.”

The Zionist regime is defined as a military barracks, and according to this, all Jewish individuals, both men, and women up to the age of 50 are considered as a reserve members of Israel’s army. To maintain readiness, they must spend one month in military barracks every year. Accordingly, the reserve forces of the Zionist regime are its main element in any war. The participation of reservists is a general sign of the deep security concerns of the Zionist officials.

The Zionist regime has many concerns in the south (Gaza) and the north (Lebanon and Syria), and on the other hand, it is also concerned about the global uprising of the Palestinian community. Especially since the Palestinian people, after many years, have practiced and experienced the possibility of a combined Intifada in May of this year, and according to the reports of the Zionist regime security centers, anti-Zionist operations in the occupied West Bank and other areas are intensifying in quantitative and qualitative dimensions. Besides, the axis of resistance is tightening the siege of the Zionists every day.

Given that there is no good news for Israel from the Vienna talks, and considering that the Zionist regime is pursuing a series of measures to derail the talks, it seems that holding a military exercise is in the same direction.

The fact is that the Zionists know that they have no chance of attacking Iran, and before any action, they will face a series of offensive operations by Iran and the axis of resistance. The definite result of this path is nothing but the destruction of Israel, as stated in the Holy Qur’an and the Jewish religious books.

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