Zionist regime trying to poison Vienna talks through lies: Iran

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman warns that the Zionist regime is trying to come in the way of potential progress in ongoing talks in Vienna that seek removal of the United States’ illegal and inhumane sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

Faraan: “Israeli regime whose existence relies on tension is at it again, trumpeting lies to poison Vienna talks,” Saeed Khatibzadeh tweeted on Wednesday.

A seventh round of the talks started in the Austrian capital on Monday.

Right on the eve of the negotiations, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett alleged that the regime “is very worried about the readiness to remove the sanctions.”

He claimed that potential removal of the bans would enable “a flow of billions (of dollars) to Iran in exchange for unsatisfactory restrictions in the nuclear realm.”

The US returned the sanctions in 2018 after illegally and unilaterally leaving a historic nuclear agreement between Iran and world powers. Back then, the Israeli regime played a significant role in encouraging Washington to ditch the deal.

The regime has, meanwhile, been beating the drums of war with Iran by discouraging negotiation and harping on about recourse to “military option.”

In order to supposedly sabotage Iran’s peaceful nuclear energy program, Tel Aviv has assassinated as many as seven Iranian nuclear scientists—including Dr. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, whom it subjected to targeted killing in 2020. Tel Aviv has also targeted Iran’s nuclear installations with terrorist crimes on several occasions.

On Tuesday, an anonymous Israeli official was quoted by the regime’s Channel 12 as saying that “the killing of Fakhrizadeh a year ago did not brake Iran’s progress as was hoped.”

Therefore, the official added, “there is a huge global Israeli effort — both publicly and behind the scenes — to push for an upgraded agreement as well as simultaneously building a large and significant attack plan.”

Khatibzadeh, however, urged the negotiating parties in Vienna not to allow their judgment to be clouded by the Israeli provocations and propaganda.

“All parties in the room now face a test of their independence & political will to carry out the job— irrespective of the fake news designed to destroy prospects for success,” the spokesman said.

A senior member of Iran’s negotiating team has told Press TV that Iran has entered the seventh round of negotiations in Vienna with “clear demands and proposals” and is ready to engage as long as needed, but will not sacrifice the nation’s demands and rights for the sake of deadlines.

“The Islamic Republic has come to Vienna with full seriousness and is negotiating with transparent demands and proposals,” the source told Press TV on the condition of anonymity on Wednesday.

The country, the source added, “stands prepared to continue intensive talks as long as needed, [but] it will not be ready to sacrifice its principled demands and the Iranian nation’s rights for mere artificial deadlines or time tables.”

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